the jungian tarot wheel of fortune


the mother who determines the experiences of the son or of the daughter.

the wheel has been associated with the idea of fate, chance and good or bad fortune. this has been so due to its association with the planet jupiter.
i would also add that "the wheel will spin where it will where it stops no one knows" this is true of in any game of chance such as dice, cards, and horseracing. yet with skill one can increase the odds by knowing the risks, knowing how to throw the dice, how to play the game or count the cards. the idea is one can increase their odds with skills, preparation and going with the flow. the medevil times that the tarot was created by also used planets "to represent type of behavoiurs and personalities" . .

the man in the middle is the leonardo design of the renissance concept of the man. ti refers to us in transiation and the epxerience of the human race.
the wheel is the 12 divisions of life in the zodiac as seperateinstances which we must all experience.
the wheel of fortune is related to the chiarot by the twelve eyes around the zodiac (this is due to the vision of the ezekial of the bible according to wang)

what does the title mean though
the mother determines the trail, pains, and pleasure of the son, which in jungian psychology means self.

by turning the wheel the mother "who determines the experience"affets this. perhaps she gives the wheel a spin not knowing where it end. or pehrpas she sits there and turns the wheel in automation bit by bit without affection. the more personal ideal is she is a bad mother(perhaps reversed) making sure that we spend time int he hard part of the wheel.(reversed?) yet for those who have had postive experiences with their mothers she spends time making sure that the wheel of fortune is turn upright most of the time.

in the jungain tarot the meaning of luck and chance has been added by the idea of the mother who determines the experience of the son or daugther.
this refers tot he active conciousness acts on the experiences by the unconconciouss. this is done by merging the conciouness and unconciouness
the int his card refers to the unconciouness yet obiviously it refers to the unconciounes and subconsciouness programming we had in the early mother figures we had and to the ones we have currently.

so when working with this card , it is with the mother "who is in one way in control so we may recall personal experiences of unresolved issues with this card in mediation to help with.
also when you see this in readings this can give you the clue of the possiblities