"My Life Ain’t Too Bad After All" Spread tryout


Recently I've been going through one of my worst moments in life. Not only due to some readings I did (stupidly) regarding my future but also due to other stupid things I did in order to see what was going to happen I am now, almost constantly, afraid of what will happen to me. Even the way I'm going to die!

I know, pretty ridiculous, right? But sadly true... So I decided to get a different perspective using this deck and if anyone wanted to give their two cents to my reading I would be more than glad to hear their opinion. <=)

Using the Tarot of Mucha, here goes.


The "My Life Ain’t Too Bad After All" Spread

1.What is something negative that I think I’m losing, but I’m truly not?
2.What am I worrying about that’s not really even an issue at all?
3.Tell me something negative that I think about myself that’s far from true?
4.What is a special quality that I have that many others seek to acquire?
5.What is something amazing that I have that I take for granted?
6.What is something that I desire that I think will make me happy, but won’t?
7.Name something tough that I’m currently dealing with that will no longer be a problem soon?
8.Finally, what is something positive coming my way that reminds me that life ain’t so bad after all?


1. The World - I think I'm losing everything. My life in general. Control over the ending of and even whole trip that will be my life from now until death. In a way I also feel this is talking about my an ability to fully be happy and free since I thinking that from now on I will have trouble even enjoying life's moments since I will be worrying about what's to come... Anxiety attacks and all that.

On the other hand this card is saying I'm not losing that at all which is indeed a BIG relief! I definitely need to think more about this =)

2. Queen of Swords - This one confused me a little bit. It shows what I'm worrying about and that won't even be an issue in the first place. It shows a cold person that is not welcoming of others and carries with her a lot of bitterness... I'm thinking that this is saying that I'm either afraid of becoming someone like that (not likely... I think?) or that someone might call me horrible names due to some of the things I believe I might find myself doing in the future... (now that's more plausible to me...). I'm guessing that this is pointing to my fear of how others will perceive me as. And that, apparently is not even something for me to worry about! ^^ (I kind of feel better just thinking that)

3. 6 of cups - Strange as this seems I believe this card is talking about me thinking I'm a bit of an idiot, needing other people to take care of me because I find myself unable to do things on my own. As if I have no control over my actions. This apparently is not true although I must admit... I have some though time believing that.

4. The Hierophant - I believe this speaks of my eagerness to learn and also my enjoyment when teaching. This might also be pointing to the good circumstances in which I was born that I must admit, were not bad. In any case, there could be more things but for now that's what I see.

5. Knight of Pentacles - This I believe shows me that I take the things already do for me for granted. It also shows that I take my own ability to work and create good things for granted. My ability to be responsible, maybe?

6. The Moon - I... Really don't know this one. Is this pointing to my enjoyment of the mystical (like tarot cards and things relating to that?). In a way this shows a woman chuckling at those lost in the night of the Moon card. Could this be showing me that I think I need to be very confident and in the face of the unknown?

Well, I just took out a card to help me out and it was the 3 of wands. Now this is making more sense! I believe it talks about my fear of the future and the unknown and this is showing me that I do not need to see what's coming in order to feel safe and more confident when the though times strike.

7. 7 of Pentacles - Yes! I know most people might find this strange but a card showing a man reaping the results of his work is the best thing I could've seen here! I usually feel useless and seeing that my efforts and work might bear fruit in the future makes me overjoyed just thinking about it! ^^ Hard work and perseverance! Yeah ^^

In any case, if you think I missed something important, please do say so. I would love to hear your opinion. =)


Sorry about the anxiety you've been going through... let's see if I can help you out here :)

The "My Life Ain’t Too Bad After All" Spread

1.What is something negative that I think I’m losing, but I’m truly not?
2.What am I worrying about that’s not really even an issue at all?
3.Tell me something negative that I think about myself that’s far from true?
4.What is a special quality that I have that many others seek to acquire?
5.What is something amazing that I have that I take for granted?
6.What is something that I desire that I think will make me happy, but won’t?
7.Name something tough that I’m currently dealing with that will no longer be a problem soon?
8.Finally, what is something positive coming my way that reminds me that life ain’t so bad after all?


1. The World - I think I'm losing everything. My life in general. Control over the ending of and even whole trip that will be my life from now until death. In a way I also feel this is talking about my an ability to fully be happy and free since I thinking that from now on I will have trouble even enjoying life's moments since I will be worrying about what's to come... Anxiety attacks and all that.

On the other hand this card is saying I'm not losing that at all which is indeed a BIG relief! I definitely need to think more about this =)

You should also consider that the World is about completion -- moving to a new level in your life. This could mean graduating from college and entering the job market, moving up from a "girlfriend" to "wife" and getting married. There are milestones in your life that you're afraid that you won't meet. But I think this card is minding you -- hey, relax! You WILL get to reach all the milestones you wish to get, whether it's marriage, graduation, a successful retirement...so on and so forth :)

2. Queen of Swords - This one confused me a little bit. It shows what I'm worrying about and that won't even be an issue in the first place. It shows a cold person that is not welcoming of others and carries with her a lot of bitterness... I'm thinking that this is saying that I'm either afraid of becoming someone like that (not likely... I think?) or that someone might call me horrible names due to some of the things I believe I might find myself doing in the future... (now that's more plausible to me...). I'm guessing that this is pointing to my fear of how others will perceive me as. And that, apparently is not even something for me to worry about! ^^ (I kind of feel better just thinking that)

You have a fear of being alone. The Queen of Swords is sometimes seen as a single woman -- and usually happily so -- especially if she's upright. But since I am guessing you don't use reversals, I think her shadow side is being emitted here. When the Queen of Swords is reversed, her previous relationships caused her a lot of pain and, as a result, she is unwelcoming and afraid to be vulnerable. You are afraid of being unlovable, abandoned and overlooked, but the sad part is, she IS lovable -- she just is too scared to fully allow other men in. I'm not sure if this fits your situation, but consider it.

3. 6 of cups - Strange as this seems I believe this card is talking about me thinking I'm a bit of an idiot, needing other people to take care of me because I find myself unable to do things on my own. As if I have no control over my actions. This apparently is not true although I must admit... I have some though time believing that.

Is it also possible that you assume that you regress to a spirit of childishness sometimes? I could be way off, but since I'm learning tarot, I'd love to get feedback here :)

4. The Hierophant - I believe this speaks of my eagerness to learn and also my enjoyment when teaching. This might also be pointing to the good circumstances in which I was born that I must admit, were not bad. In any case, there could be more things but for now that's what I see.

I think you have a sense of integrity, honor and virtue. Before doing anything outrageous, you, first, consider the consequences of that action. You perhaps have very respectable values and mores, and people would love to have what you have. You also might have a strong grasp of ethics in anything you do in life. Just a thought..

5. Knight of Pentacles - This I believe shows me that I take the things already do for me for granted. It also shows that I take my own ability to work and create good things for granted. My ability to be responsible, maybe?

The Knight of Pentacles isn't wealthy and doesn't have everything he could want, but he's comfortable and financially stable because he worked hard for it. He has a home, a bed to sleep in, food on the table and maybe 6 months of savings stored in the bank for emergencies. He doesn't live lavishly, but he lives sufficiently.

6. The Moon - I... Really don't know this one. Is this pointing to my enjoyment of the mystical (like tarot cards and things relating to that?). In a way this shows a woman chuckling at those lost in the night of the Moon card. Could this be showing me that I think I need to be very confident and in the face of the unknown?

Could there be a guy in the picture here that you're subconsiously pining for? The Moon can speak of dark romantic desires -- desires that are suppressed below the conscious level, but still affects how you navigate life. If there's no guy, maybe it could simply depict a desire for your deepest, darkest romantic fantasies to come true. I suspect they might be very sexy and sensual ;). But this card is saying, "Meh, it won't make you happy, though!"

Well, I just took out a card to help me out and it was the 3 of wands. Now this is making more sense! I believe it talks about my fear of the future and the unknown and this is showing me that I do not need to see what's coming in order to feel safe and more confident when the though times strike.

Sounds about right :).

7. 7 of Pentacles - Yes! I know most people might find this strange but a card showing a man reaping the results of his work is the best thing I could've seen here! I usually feel useless and seeing that my efforts and work might bear fruit in the future makes me overjoyed just thinking about it! ^^ Hard work and perseverance! Yeah ^^

The fruits of your labor will soon sprout and grow. Sounds like a very promising reading to me! Good luck.

ana luisa


The "My Life Ain’t Too Bad After All" Spread

1.What is something negative that I think I’m losing, but I’m truly not?
2.What am I worrying about that’s not really even an issue at all?
3.Tell me something negative that I think about myself that’s far from true?
4.What is a special quality that I have that many others seek to acquire?
5.What is something amazing that I have that I take for granted?
6.What is something that I desire that I think will make me happy, but won’t?
7.Name something tough that I’m currently dealing with that will no longer be a problem soon?
8.Finally, what is something positive coming my way that reminds me that life ain’t so bad after all?


1. The World - You're losing perspective. You're not seeing the whole picture, the overall situation and are dismissing your accomplishments as if they didn't happen. In the Mucha, the lady is about to block her eyes with the hand so this "blinding" is self-inflicted.

2. Queen of Swords - that you don't have a voice and that your ideas, conributions and role in society and life in general are nothing.

3. 6 of cups - that experience and life hasn't made you stronger and that you cannot set yourself free from the past. If you like to think about the good times it is only natural. This does not mean you have to LIVE there.

4. The Hierophant - you are a very principled person who lives what you preach. No hipocrisy or cynicism. People feel "safe" when looking for you and your advice.

5. Knight of Pentacles - this is a talent you haven't explored well. You have a way with money/investments.

6. The Moon - you're dabbling with the obscure, the unknown, the danger, in hopes this thrill will either soothe your soul or bring you some re-energizing. Like a teenager "playing" with the Ouija board on a Friday night at a party. Don't. You have an ease to bring stuff to yourself and that can do you more harm than good.

7. 7 of Pentacles - recognizing AND becoming aware of your accomplishments, assets and deeds.

In any case, if you think I missed something important, please do say so
Card number 8, perhaps ?


Wow. I have to admit I have no idea how both of you were able to get so much information from these cards... Could it be I really haven't got a talent to read the tarot? Maybe I really should stop delving too deep into the obscure. (although I've never done anything like ouija board or the like).

In any case thank you so much for all the help and different perspectives you have shown me. Both of you said things that resonated very well with me and that made complete sense.


I had never considered that reading for the Queen of swords but the feeling that I will be unloved, cast aside and never actually settle are fears that do haunt me a bit... I also had a bad relationship in the past that never let me fully feel safe when entering another one.

The reading you did of the 6 of cups was also accurate although I felt more in tune with Ana Luisa's reading of this card

The way you described the moon when it came to repressed sexual desires also makes sense although I have yet to have my first experience (actually having it is another one of my biggest fears since I'm afraid of going down a bad road... One lady once told me I might like things like... BDSM *blushes badly*) and I don't even know if I like something like that or not. I've always been the biggest prude! <=s

Also, regarding number 7 and 8 (thanks for the reminder Ana Luisa)

7.Name something tough that I’m currently dealing with that will no longer be a problem soon?
6 of cups - My childlike manners and the feeling of needing help to do everything. It seems I will finally start standing up by myself and becoming more independent.

8.Finally, what is something positive coming my way that reminds me that life ain’t so bad after all?
Empress - I... well... I'm not really sure here. I get a feeling this is about my sexuality as a woman or even just feeling more feminine however... I don't feel at all that this would make me feel like life wouldn't be so bad after all... I would just make me more worried.

All in all, thank you so much for your comments =) They were a wonderful help!

Luna's Crone

i believe that alot people shouldn't read the cards for their own self. Too bias, too much stuff gets in the way.

Besides, tarot does not predict.

and see how much more the spread meant when others read for you?

As for the empress, I am not sure why you went straight to your sexuality. She is the embodiment of creativity, nurturing, love, prosperity, not just sexuality. I think this card is referring to your own creativity and nurturing skills. Not so much sex.


I don't necessarily agree with Luna's Crone. Yes, reading for oneself is difficult but IMO it's the only way to learn: if you don't read for yourself, how will you know for an absolute fact whether your interpretations match? This is a learning forum and everyone's entitled to ask for a second opinion. I think you did a good job with many cards on your own, Kristal.

I don't have anything to add to Ana Luisa's and Enlightenment's take, other than for the Empress and the Moon.

The Empress to me means feeling blessed and protected by the universe. It can mean also exploring your sexuality as you said, it's the essence of feminine energy after all. But it can/does encompass creativity and overall feeling of being well, healthy and lucky.

The Moon as something you seek but it wouldn't make you happy can refer to something that is currently clouded from you, or something you are not seeing clearly. Maybe you have an instinctive feeling that something is missing from your life (relationship or sex, for example, as you brought them up) but those alone wouldn't necessarily make you happy. You have the power to make yourself happy, and you need to let go of your fears to explore what can make you happy.

Btw, I wouldn't discourage anyone from exploring the "obscure". How are you supposed to build your own world view if you never think about "metaphysical" matters? That part of life is not reserved only to some talented readers, its for everyone. We're all learning. Sorry about the rant, I just hope you won't give up tarot in belief that you're not "good enough reader". Nobody is perfect and we all learn all the time :)


Kristal could you please leave some feedback for Saskia and Luna's Crone?


I don't necessarily agree with Luna's Crone. Yes, reading for oneself is difficult but IMO it's the only way to learn: if you don't read for yourself, how will you know for an absolute fact whether your interpretations match? This is a learning forum and everyone's entitled to ask for a second opinion. I think you did a good job with many cards on your own, Kristal.

I don't have anything to add to Ana Luisa's and Enlightenment's take, other than for the Empress and the Moon.

The Empress to me means feeling blessed and protected by the universe. It can mean also exploring your sexuality as you said, it's the essence of feminine energy after all. But it can/does encompass creativity and overall feeling of being well, healthy and lucky.

The Moon as something you seek but it wouldn't make you happy can refer to something that is currently clouded from you, or something you are not seeing clearly. Maybe you have an instinctive feeling that something is missing from your life (relationship or sex, for example, as you brought them up) but those alone wouldn't necessarily make you happy. You have the power to make yourself happy, and you need to let go of your fears to explore what can make you happy.

Btw, I wouldn't discourage anyone from exploring the "obscure". How are you supposed to build your own world view if you never think about "metaphysical" matters? That part of life is not reserved only to some talented readers, its for everyone. We're all learning. Sorry about the rant, I just hope you won't give up tarot in belief that you're not "good enough reader". Nobody is perfect and we all learn all the time :)

Thank you so much Saskia! I absolutely loved your interpretation of the Moon. It made so much sense... And hearing that I might indeed be able to be happy without experience some things (especially the clouded ones to me) seems like a great interpretation.

Your interpretation of the Empress also makes sense to me. I've recently been feeling very vulnerable and well... Forgotten by the Universe if one can put it that way. So that would definitely be a good interpretation of the card.

Also Luna's Crone I do understand why you would say that reading for yourself is not advisable. In my case maybe even more than others.
And when it comes to my immediate interpretation of the Empress as something related to sexuality was merely (I think) because it is one of the things that currently worry me the most about my future.

In any case, thank you all so much for sharing your ideas! ^^