Full Reading from Using Tarot Cards Forum


Okay, friends. I posted four cards from this reading in the Using Tarot Cards section because I had a little logical trap on Death crossing Six of Cups in the center of a Celtic Cross.

I hope I post this reading with my interpretation in an understandable way. Feel free to chime in as I really learned a lot from everyone so far in the other thread.

I am using a spread from Joan Bunning. The core section of cards 1 and 2 represent the core situation, but the crossing card can either be on collision course OR a complementing influence. Card 3 is laid beneath the core and then 4 to the left, 5 above, and 6 to the right. This circle is like Yin and reflects the inner condition. Above and below the core are surface thoughts (card 5 above) and deeper thoughts or feelings (card 3 below). On the left (card 4) is past influence and on the right effects soon to come (card 6).

Cards 7, 8, 9, and 10 are laid bottom to top and represent "you," "the environment," "guidance or key to reading," and "outcome." For me the "outcome is either an opportunity or warning as I don't do fortune telling, per se. This row is the Yang and reflects the outward, more visible conditions.

CORE: Six of Cups reversed crossed by Death. At first I thought this meant childlike faith, innocence, and gratitude being resisted as well as change or release being resisted. This was my logic trap. I was thinking mathematically, maybe, like "two negatives make a positive." I just mixed myself up again on this!

Cards 3 and 5: deep feelings and surface thoughts are shown by The Lovers below and the Nine of wands above. I interpreted this to mean harmony and loving relationships sustaining + conscious defending of this harmony.

Cards 4 and 6: past influence and arising effects are shown by the reversed King of Swords and the reversed page of Coins. I intuit these to mean that action has not been taken on clear-minded insight and integrity (past) and that a message of new opportunity will be prevented if this condition continues. This ties in with the core and other cards but I noted that all cards in this row with the core are reversed. All the other cards are upright!
This is telling me to make a correction insistently.

Card 7 represents me and is The Star. I am bringing or have hope in this situation: hope, faith, wisdom, guidance, light. Wow. Can I be this good?

Card 8: the situation is Ten of Wands. There is fatigue or burnout evident--weariness, probably relating to Card 5, Nine of Wands, and the defensiveness going on internally.

Card 9: As revealed in the other thread, this is key to the reading--Six of Swords. Setting off on a journey, a little sad? I really noticed the people together in the boat this time. Togetherness,

Card 10: The Five of Cups with three cups spilled in sadness and two cups still upright in comfort (reminding me of the Two of Cups card--not present--BUT The Lovers card is present in position 3 beneath the core. I intuit this "outcome" to me a needed experience rather than a warning of something to be avoided. We are comforted in every sadness that we may comfort others when they need it.

I don't know what else to say. This is just a daily reading without a specific question so the scope is probably a short-term, everyday matter rather than anything of epic proportions.

I enjoyed the discussions on the other thread, so please feel free to question, tweak, or re-interpret as you wish!


Hi, your positions are not a traditional Celtic Cross so it's a little hard for me to relate to. In particular, a traditional core would be: 1 Significator (which many people don't use incl me lol), 2 the Cover, or the essence of the question or matter at hand and 3 the Crossing card which, as you say, may be opposing, moderating or complementing. The Yin and Yang designations to me seem misplaced. I see every card as having a Yin and a Yang with the row from left to right as being a timeline, left Immediate Past, core Present and right Immediate Future. The column from bottom to top I see as more of a motivation, intention and aspiration line from the foundation, basis or ground through the existing circumstances to the aims and aspirations. The cards laid at the side, to me, are like a third axis making the cross 3D like a stem through the core and therefore each of those 4 cards being relatable to the essence of the matter.

I'll sit with your cards and see if I can do a traditional 'Your Readings' interpretation a bit later. Thanks for your thought-provoking contribution. ;):livelong:


Thank you so much for having a look.

I am interested in learning the traditional Celtic Cross as well as this spread that I adapted from Joan Bunning's website: Bunning Celtic Cross

I also need to learn what a "traditional 'Your Reading'" looks like. I'll have a look around.