Secret Forest- the 2 sides of Queen of Pentacles


Just who is the queen of pents?

As a newcomer to the tarot I have wondered, if the loving, practical, earth-mother, some talk of, can be the same person as the sexually voracious, avaricious person other people describe...

Well, in the Secret Forest these two sides of her character are seperated, Jekyll and Hyde style!

On the colour side she appears dignified, even dainty- sat straight backed on a curved tree, her bare feet pointing down, suggesting her links to earth and fertility. She looks pensively at the rock in her outstretched hand- seeming to contemplate the material, rather than desire it. Truly an elegant yet practical queen.

Yet the b/w side shows another facet of her personality. Her shadow side, Jung mught say. This queen has a lacivious grin, and fondles the rock greedily, held close to her body, seeming to relish posession. Her figure is less straight-backed, curvier, and now wears stockings. And, to top it all off, she now sits astride a giant worm! To me the message couldn't be clearer!

So, does this card say, beware slipping from practical minded materiality to greed? Beware slipping from sensuality to vulgarity? Or, does it say that this shadow side is a necessary part of us all, after all the queen of pents is a 'material girl', aren't we all?!