Turn Around Spread - Ruby Red Slippers

Ruby Red Slippers

I believe this is a spread best done by the individual for the individual and then the honesty can begin to take form.

Then the spread could be posted and commented on, if the person was up for it. There are no saints here and we are all here to learn these lessons. According to Katie - the "thing to get" is that we welcome these intrusions in our life because we have to keep working at peeling away at them - welcome them in our lives until we arrive at "just being in the moment and loving what is."

So here is how the spread worked for me - perhaps this needs to be moved into the "readings category" please feel free to move moderator and then we can explore this spread - which could be quite good, and cleansing for the holidays....

My beef is that my designation at work never seems to garner enough respect for an increase in the salary scale and there is disenfranchisement of us so we never seem to quite make the grade for an end of the year bonus. Now this pisses me off.

So the issue is management’s lack of respect or acknowledgement of our worth to the company.
Sounds pompous I know, but if you don’t stick up for yourself – no one will.

5 Wands – 4 Wands – 15 Devil – 2 Coins

1) Is it true?
Yes, or perhaps better said – there is conflict change and challenge afoot regarding this issue.

2) Is it 'absolutely' true or not?
Well stability and foundation indicates that there may be less truth than more truth in this case.

3) What does the querent need to know about their own behavior to the issue?
That I want my cake and eat it too. I certainly do not want to have to do a hundred more things to obtain a raise or a bonus. I need to put up or shut up to some degree. I tend to fight for the underdog and in this case have allowed myself to be pulled into a group decision.

4) What does the querent need to know to change their own perspective about the issue?
Figure out how I feel about the money issue. To tell you the truth, I want the money, yes, but that is not the only thing that motivates me in a job. In this case I have become very caught up in the group’s mind set to fight for more money and to be re-considered for bonus money at years end.

Advice: The Turn Around - pulling 1 & 2 together with 3 & 4 to advise the querent on what they need to know to change their own behavior and perspective to improve the situation.

1 & 2 change the conflict to stability – me being the stable force or add 4 + 5 = 9 the hermit be a beacon in the dark for myself and others, be the voice of reason, lean when to be quiet and when to speak…..

3 & 4 letting go is releasing is receiving no more juggling going on throw it to the universe. The TOD 2 of coins is a perfect card for this thought. 15 + 2 = 17 the Star
Know the best will be, sometimes beating something is not the best way to get the result we want – again – let go – Release.

Open to suggestions please – what do you think, Gayla, YDM42?

Is this what we have in mind to explore?



Moderator Note

This was split from the following thread in Tarot Spread:

Turn Around Spread



Ruby, thanks for sharing your reading.

The clincher for me is the position 2 and reading it. If I were reading it I would say that not only is it an absolute truth, but that it is a firm and solidily found truth, with the elements of snobbery and exclusivity. This is reinforced by the Hermit- you are left out, or own your own to find the answer for yourself.

In postion 3- the Devil indicates, being bound, perhaps you feel bound to the job or postion for other reasons and the company knows it, even if it is simply your hopes that bind to this unfair, and perhaps unhealthy way of being treated.
This is a Devil of a situation, because all you gain in job security may be going out of the window in self esteem and respect, over time you will begin to feel the brunt of it.

In position 4- you do have to juggle the various aspects of the situation- not sure if hoping or being hopeful is a conclusion. I believe that the star is also the wish card? The solution is going to have to come from you. Refer back to the Devil and the chains that bind- I'm stuck here.

The majors tend to indicate something beyond your control, it is what it is, and its certainly true. Your solution to remain honest about what else the job offers you in life besides pay is good one. Perception is the key , reframing-rethinking how you percieve the bonus as some sort of validation, all those things happen inside of us. Maybe you only feel bad because you are comparing yourself and your role in the company to others and how they are treated. This is a hard one again.

Ruby Red Slippers said:
I believe this is a spread best done by the individual for the individual and then the honesty can begin to take form.

Then the spread could be posted and commented on, if the person was up for it. There are no saints here and we are all here to learn these lessons. According to Katie - the "thing to get" is that we welcome these intrusions in our life because we have to keep working at peeling away at them - welcome them in our lives until we arrive at "just being in the moment and loving what is."

So here is how the spread worked for me - perhaps this needs to be moved into the "readings category" please feel free to move moderator and then we can explore this spread - which could be quite good, and cleansing for the holidays....

My beef is that my designation at work never seems to garner enough respect for an increase in the salary scale and there is disenfranchisement of us so we never seem to quite make the grade for an end of the year bonus. Now this pisses me off.

So the issue is management’s lack of respect or acknowledgement of our worth to the company.
Sounds pompous I know, but if you don’t stick up for yourself – no one will.

5 Wands – 4 Wands – 15 Devil – 2 Coins

1) Is it true?
Yes, or perhaps better said – there is conflict change and challenge afoot regarding this issue.

2) Is it 'absolutely' true or not?
Well stability and foundation indicates that there may be less truth than more truth in this case.

3) What does the querent need to know about their own behavior to the issue?
That I want my cake and eat it too. I certainly do not want to have to do a hundred more things to obtain a raise or a bonus. I need to put up or shut up to some degree. I tend to fight for the underdog and in this case have allowed myself to be pulled into a group decision.

4) What does the querent need to know to change their own perspective about the issue?
Figure out how I feel about the money issue. To tell you the truth, I want the money, yes, but that is not the only thing that motivates me in a job. In this case I have become very caught up in the group’s mind set to fight for more money and to be re-considered for bonus money at years end.

Advice: The Turn Around - pulling 1 & 2 together with 3 & 4 to advise the querent on what they need to know to change their own behavior and perspective to improve the situation.

1 & 2 change the conflict to stability – me being the stable force or add 4 + 5 = 9 the hermit be a beacon in the dark for myself and others, be the voice of reason, lean when to be quiet and when to speak…..

3 & 4 letting go is releasing is receiving no more juggling going on throw it to the universe. The TOD 2 of coins is a perfect card for this thought. 15 + 2 = 17 the Star
Know the best will be, sometimes beating something is not the best way to get the result we want – again – let go – Release.

Open to suggestions please – what do you think, Gayla, YDM42?

Is this what we have in mind to explore?



Ruby Red Slippers said:
My beef is that my designation at work never seems to garner enough respect for an increase in the salary scale and there is disenfranchisement of us so we never seem to quite make the grade for an end of the year bonus. Now this pisses me off.

So the issue is management’s lack of respect or acknowledgement of our worth to the company.
Sounds pompous I know, but if you don’t stick up for yourself – no one will.

5 Wands – 4 Wands – 15 Devil – 2 Coins

1) Is it true? 5 Wands
It is true that it is a source of contention. It is true that there are 'market forces' contending for the bonus money available, in other words, there is a finite pot to be divided, and others compete for it. Although the 5 of wands in RWS suggests a level playing field, while I was writing the image from the BBCats 5 of wands jumped to mind, wherein the various contenders have higher and lower positions from which to contend.
So, yes, it is true that this is an issue of competition and that some players are better placed than others to grab the prize.

2) Is it 'absolutely' true or not? 4 Wands
The 'institution' itself (harking back to 4 The Emperor, the people in charge) do try and be fair. They do want everyone to feel content (4 of wands). They evidently are not achieving this, but they would like this. In other words there is not an actual agenda to 'do over' your group.
Having been in management though, I know too well what management group-think is like. They likely have developed a group idea of what is worthy and what is not, and while they regret their actions, they still take them.

3) What does the querent need to know about their own behavior to the issue? 15 The Devil
You have turned this into an 'us against the dark side' issue. This has been going on so long that it has gradually involved into a completely back and white issue for you. Your side is light and 'management' is black.

4) What does the querent need to know to change their own perspective about the issue? 2 Coins
It is about money, and it is about a duality. "There are two sides to every coin".

Advice: The Turn Around - pulling 1 & 2 together with 3 & 4 to advise the querent on what they need to know to change their own behavior and perspective to improve the situation.

Once you see 'the other side of the coin', in a grounded, earth kind of way (i.e. non-emotionally), you can lightly take thought about an approach.

Here it is. Management is not out to get you, they are doing right by their own lights. You need to convince them that at least a small share of the pot is yours.

Think like a manager, do not approach as if dealing with the enemy. Think, and ask!, how do they see it? Then using those parameters, make your case. Phrase it in their terms, use their buzzwords. If you know anything that they would think is 'wrong', then use that.


Ruby Red Slippers said:
I believe this is a spread best done by the individual for the individual and then the honesty can begin to take form.

Yes, I like this concept...this is a good reading to do for ones self becuase the cards speak very plainly in to the matter.

Ruby Red Slippers said:
So the issue is management’s lack of respect or acknowledgement of our worth to the company.
Sounds pompous I know, but if you don’t stick up for yourself – no one will.

This is a good statement...it's realistic and 'perception' oriented. I think it is improtant to keep the statement realistic for the spread...most folks will quote a statement about a one on one relationship...this is about a group relationship. Something to keep in mind.....

Ruby Red Slippers said:
1) Is it true?
Yes, or perhaps better said – there is conflict change and challenge afoot regarding this issue

2) Is it 'absolutely' true or not?
Well stability and foundation indicates that there may be less truth than more truth in this case

1 is clear and 2 takes takes you to another angle. Flows nicely.

Ruby Red Slippers said:
3) What does the querent need to know about their own behavior to the issue?
That I want my cake and eat it too. I certainly do not want to have to do a hundred more things to obtain a raise or a bonus. I need to put up or shut up to some degree. I tend to fight for the underdog and in this case have allowed myself to be pulled into a group decision.

4) What does the querent need to know to change their own perspective about the issue?
Figure out how I feel about the money issue. To tell you the truth, I want the money, yes, but that is not the only thing that motivates me in a job. In this case I have become very caught up in the group’s mind set to fight for more money and to be re-considered for bonus money at years end.

I really think we need to add one more card here..."What does the querent need to know about their own emotions regarding the issue"? Or something like that...what do you'll think?

Ruby Red Slippers said:
Advice: The Turn Around - pulling 1 & 2 together with 3 & 4 to advise the querent on what they need to know to change their own behavior and perspective to improve the situation.

1 & 2 change the conflict to stability – me being the stable force or add 4 + 5 = 9 the hermit be a beacon in the dark for myself and others, be the voice of reason, lean when to be quiet and when to speak…..

3 & 4 letting go is releasing is receiving no more juggling going on throw it to the universe. The TOD 2 of coins is a perfect card for this thought. 15 + 2 = 17 the Star
Know the best will be, sometimes beating something is not the best way to get the result we want – again – let go – Release.

And yes, adding the number - :) Great idea. It kind of creates the clarification cards needed to round it out.

This is great Ruby...you really added a bit more depth to it by reading for yourself and the number added. Now that I think about it, maybe this really is a reading that should be done by the seeker for the seeker.

I'm going to do one on myself too..but add the emotion question.

I bet Bryon K. and Mary K.G would be pround of us on this one. :)


P.S.: I did the reading on myself and it has been posted in the my readings. :)

Ruby Red Slippers

Thank you for the feedback YDM42, Marion & Gayla…….it is most appreciated.

It was very interesting to me to lay the cards out in his spread – I was surprised but not so, if you know what I mean.

Of course it is always hard to read a situation you are close to – even when you are trying not to allow the ego a inch into the program. LOL

I get it – I get your insight and it further expands my thinking on the issue.
Marion – having been in management a long time ago, I understand perfectly where you are coming from – which is why I don’t want any part of a management job again! However, I do appreciate your reminder of where the “group management think” comes from.

I did have a talk w/some in my group today and suggested we where going about it the wrong way and we needed to devise a different united front lest Mgt gets their hackles up for a group who speaks out too much. They were in agreement.

So not giving up the battle just changing the Emperor strategy. And you are right Marion, the best defense is an offense – so tactical changes are being made & we cannot underestimate the subtle approach. Everyone likes to think they are a “fair” boss!

In the end a group dynamic is a catch 22 but I have been talking myself into being a “uniter not a divider” this past year is a group that could easily become splintered.
I’ve only worked at this job for 22 months and in that time they have lost half of the group who have quit for various reasons. Now that should tell you something!

I'm interested to see how these readings go as I personally found relief in doing it - a breather so to speak.