Tarot of the Cat People Two of Pentacles


Looking at the card intuitively: A stunning robe of blue trimmed with ermine, this is a woman of high birth or status. She balances her position and wealth easily, almost without noticing, it comes naturally. She holds the love and admiration of her orange tabby the same way, obviously a charismatic figure.

She has two bracelets, two pents, her belt and necklace are a pair, she has two curls on her forehead. Balance, equality, even handedness is important.

From the LWB:
The woman on the two of pentacles has difficult in making choices and often frets over this. Warm colors or cool colors? Both Pents are alike in size and design but she can't make up her mind. The cat has grown weary of her indecision.

Difficulty in launching new projects. New troubles, Embarrassment, Worry, Concern.


To me, she seems to look in the mirror. She seems to wonder which pentacle is the best with her needs and the situation. Keeping a balance can be good but there are time where balance can't be an option. So she juggle mentally to see what is the more apropriate.

Judith D

Where the man in the 2 of swords is making a choice and is ready for action, here she seems to be gazing into the distance, considering her options and weighing up the possibilities - thoughtful and distant. She is richly dressed and her cat is fat and contented (see how his paws are turned in and relaxed), but her status does not give her decisiveness. Her cat sits and waits, and waits ...

Tristram Shandy

A woman has raised two pentacles probably for viewing them. She isn't playing with them like the boy in the RWS deck. Nothing is happening in the card, which doesn't mean that nothing is going on.

I remember when I first saw this card in a spread. I didn't know what to think of it, so I opened the little white booklet. According to it, the woman should choose either of the pentacles, but she hasn't done it in reasonable time. She is still viewing them nervously.

The image fits this interpretation, which is not a big surprise because the painter wrote the LWB. The cat has waited for the decision so long that it got bored and lay down. It isn't relaxed, so it wags its tail. It is the same cat as in Ace of Pentacles. Someone else might understand, how the cards are related.

The pentacles are almost similar. The detail supports the author's idea that the woman is spending too much time on the decision.

I can think of another believable alternative interpretation. The woman could be showing the pentacles to someone else, who should decide over them as soon as possible. The new interpretation changes the card meaning a bit. The card doesn't hint that you are procrastinating or paying attention to unimportant matters. The cat lies on the ground because the situation is so ordinary. It isn't necessarily tired.