Tarot of Cat People, Three of wands


Wands are the Emerald Kingdom, home of the Sand People. Living in and on great sand dunes has make the Wands highly resourceful, thinking thru their problems, limitations, and options, arriving at thoughtful, creative and well planned solutions.

Here is a woman who brooks no nonsense, she has an iron will and the knowledge to back up her decisions. Even her cats of sand are alert and focused...you try making a cat out of a bucket and sand and see what you get.

From the LWB:
Practical knowledge, business smarts, enterprise, negotiations, trade, commerce.


The sculpted cats are having big and watchful eyes. It seems they try to see everything, not missing anything.

The woman seems very experimented and with a lot of knowledge. No one can fool her.

Judith D

I like the idea of the sand people using the land they live in to make those marvellous huge sculptures.
She looks strong, confident, coming out of the darkness with a light to shine on herself and her watchcats. Is she welcoming you in, or keeping you out?