My New Deck is Evil!


I bought the Victoria Regina Tarot Deck today, and was very excited to initiate it, because I think it is a beautiful deck. So I did a new deck spread, and look what came up! (NOTE: I DO USE REVERSALS)

Card 1: What Will You Teach Me? - King of Cups (Reversed)

3 Key Words - Bad Advice/Deception/Escapism

Card 2: What Do I Need To Do? - Eight of Pentacles (Reversed)

3 Key Words - Cheating/Con Games/Misuse of Skills

Card 3 - What Will Our Relationship Be Like? - Ten of Swords

3 Key Words - Ruin/Depression/A Forced Rupture

Anyone want to trade for this deck? LOL!


oh my goodness! Maybe your deck picked up some bad energy from a factory worker or a really p.o'd mail man. Get out the sage do a good clearing of the deck. You might want to add salt water in a bowl in it's general vicinity too. Full moon is coming up, another chance to cleanse that deck. Just stick it out in the moonlight for a couple of days. Program a clear quartz crystal or a rose quartz and infuse that deck with positive vibes!

It looks like you caught the Queen in a bout of PMS.
Give Victoria Regina a good royal slap and tell her to stop being so prissy! How dare she ruin your special day. :mad: You show her who is the tarot boss.


Should I Give Up or Not?

So can I salvage my beautiful new deck? I put the cards back in order and placed them back in their container, wrapped them in a bag and placed them under a big tree in my back yard. Should I attempt to bring them back into my house? Or should I just leave well enought alone?


If you buried them in mother earth - 3 days should do the trick.
Oh yes, bring them back in after that and have another go with it.
I think the more you put your own personal energy into the deck, the more the old energy gets lost or I think of it as smothering out the bad.
I remember somebody mentioning that a super good shuffle should clear away residual energies too. And you put them back in order so that is good too.
You could also put them in the sun. The sun has tremendous healing energy as well. But not too long as it could fade the cards, that is why I suggested the moonlight *g*

Why not try a general reading with them on yourself,and see what it reveals? Maybe it will be dead on accurate. Or maybe this new deck addressed another issue in your life?

You have a quartz crystal? If you can send loving positive energy, see yourself with a good relationship with the deck, giving great readings with it and program/visualize this into the crystal for as long as you can, and keep it with your deck - maybe you'll want to put this deck in a black bag with the crystal in it. This may help.

I hope someone here has more advice to offer. This has never happened to me, so I'm trying to think of everything I can in terms of removing negative energy surrounding the deck if there really is negative energy, but that was kind of a brutal new relationship deck reading wasn't it.

Anyone have this happen to them??


For starters, your deck is not evil. Go rescue it.

I never do a new deck spread…do folks do a new baby spread?

I always wait a few days and a couple hundred shuffles so that my mind can get around the symbolism of a new deck.

Most folks, if a spread is ALL reversed- read it as normal (the deck was reversed, the cards not).

Pick up Mary Greer’s book and read it…please.


Well what would you know

I agree with Umbrae here, it was not on purpose this time, doing a whole reversed spread, so obviously the deck have been reversed.

However I can understand from your thread iamagoddess, that you do in fact take this very seriously and I think musie have given you some excellente cleansing advise here.

You just do what you feel must be done, when you are ready shaken from the "evil eye" then I dont think you will get much out of reading mary greer even :p

Everything happens for a reason, so did this. Could be old energies from one handling the deck under its way to you, that had a seriously bad hairday :D

Dick it out of the dirt, given three days, and shred some positive light on it, love and nurrish it and make it yours.

I dont believe the deck can be evil, it is manufactured the modern way, had you told me you inharited it from an ancient old gypsy woman, I would have run screaming away and believed everything you said :D

Think positive and as musie say. Show who is the true tarot boss in your house :)

Good luck with, and blessings to you and your new deck


imagoddess42283 said:
My New Deck is Evil!
Musie said:
oh my goodness! Maybe your deck picked up some bad energy from a factory worker or a really p.o'd mail man
imagoddess42283 said:
I put the cards back in order and placed them back in their container, wrapped them in a bag and placed them under a big tree in my back yard.


You people are insane. One reading that you interpret as bad and you bury your cards in the backyard? Bad energy from a factory worker? What absolute poppycock.

First of all, it's not a bad reading. Throwing away a deck of cards after reading some "bad" keywords from a book tells me you're probably not ready to work with Tarot. Memorizing keywords is absolutely the wrong way to use the Tarot and here is absolute proof of it. Keywords are only meant to trigger your memory to the greater meanings of the cards.

Look at this spread with a more enlightened eye:

King of Cups Rx: Where once there was isolation, now it is gone... this is a good thing... this is moving back into the mainstream from self-imposed emotional isolation... and for the record, "escapism" is what Tarot is all about

8 of Pentacles Rx: Hard work is not required. Take it easy and don't work so hard and the answers will still come.

10 of Swords: High drama - yup... you proved this one yourself with your inane reaction.


My Thoughts On This

OK - first of all let me clarify something. When I said that "My deck is evil" I was was being sarcastic, although it did scare me.

I think, especially after a night's sleep that certain things were happening here.

I think that the Victoria Regina Deck was trying to tell me several things. Those cards reflect two things 1) a relationship I have been struggling to let go of, and 2) some personal issues I have been struggling with. And in essence it is saying that it is going to hold me to a direct level honesty with myself, that other decks might not have done before or have tried to do but just took a gentler approach.

But, I also think, that it's attitude is a little cocky and superior. And based upon my personal experience with the British, I am not suprised at all - please I don't mean to insult anyone here, I adore the British. So, they have been cleansed. And I will meet them half way, I will listen to them, and am looking forward to being held to a high standard of honesty, but they also need to be a little nicer!

So those are my thoughts!


Why not burn your copy, and go buy a new one? lol.


I think burying anything round here at the moment might constitute "burial at sea". It would certainly be a one way ticket to paper pulp :D

Darn floods...