the jungian tarot emperor thread


hi , i didnt' do a medition but disected the theory behind the father archtype of the emperor .

after i finished, this came to mind.
the idea of judgment comes our projection of the father archtype onto the source, and our own judgement of that which can not be judged. and through that judgment gaved other the right to sit in judgement over othes be it the judgement of their abilities, their lifestyle, and worst their skin, their religion.
for to judge is to say one way is better and that is my way .
that was enstilled in us early by the father archetype.
it serves it purpose i feel , but then that is why we have so many other archtypes to balance out each other.
looking forward to feedback. (the emperor background can be found in the jungian tarot study group thread.


"the great father thoughtfully adminsters a remote and harsh kingdom, the distant castle being symbolic of reason so abstract that it has no object. in his right wand he holds a wand of creaton (intentionally phallic) and his left a sword which he may punish or destroy "

are all fathers so remote?
consider the father archtype of red forman he comes from reasons , critizing, remoteness, yet you know he really cares. i like how he gave hyde a hug before hyde was moving out to go live with his own father who had come back in that one espiode.
that archtype he portrays doesn't like emotion expressed, yet he does express it in his own way .
(i like the part where jackee this season give him a hug and he get all surpised and says to kitty "kitty how the hell did this happen "
(yet we all need a father figure to give us advice or do we?
i like the one more espiode where jackee had a career day and red was teaching her about cars and they bonded over it. red for he had someone to teach , and jackee for she needed a strong male father figure at the time i feel )

the wand of creation being phallic means that the head of the wand resembles well a penis head and that our manhood as a male figure is our creating power.
yet the emperor lives in females as well and that part is usally denied, just as we male deny our female selves. it is part of condition of society in a way "men don't express emotion," what happens ? when we break down , we really break down .
or as hyde says
when zen ends , ass kicking beings. from the 70 show.

the sword i feel can punish yet taking the sword at the root of the element which is truth to face illusions.
he uses the sword to break other people illusions, his postion as the emperor gives him that power.
we are all the emperor of our lives really however that is reflected in the outer world and we get angry when it does, who are they to tell us this, and that ?
it is because the universe is reflecting at us that which we deny.
(then again we are dealing with the upright emperor here :O)

"in jungian psycology the father archetype is of less signifance then the mother, jung explains this because the mother is more important to the psychological formation of the child then the father is . "

who am i to argue with jung ?
an individual who has lived a differnt live then jung and comes from a differnt background, upbringing, and so in my thoughts i come up with this . but first let me share what i hear or more remember from reading long ago.
didnt' freud say that male want to replace their fathers and marry their mothers , and that female wanted to replace their mothers and marry their fathers.
(this kind of sexual theories is what started the jung/frued rift i recall reading )
but that being said i can think of this more in depth

the emphasis could be on mother as traidtionaly it was the father out working and the mother stayed at home and nurtured the son or the daughter. then when the son grew up he became like the remote father archtype to a severity of discplinarian, or to a gentlness of the archtype being more accessible then his role model due to his wanting to upgrade the model given his experience.
now the mother is out working as is the dad and the nurturer is missing in many lives ?
that question being asked. i present this thought .
so with the emphasis on the mother as jung theorized, and as we grow up the emphasis becomes the father ..
that could be from the alienation of the mother archtype and the activation of the father archtype in gods and goddess role ?

now days the holy mother is making a return. and a return to goddess energies is happening. so is the theory still valid ?
i would say for the male son yes, and the female it would be the father but i could be wrong i am just a beginner at psychology .

even robert wang says
"however a woman might argue that jung could only speak from a perspective of a man , and his observations of animus(the female contrasexual componet) from an outsider"
"certianly jung descriptions of a father figure were not entirely objective , but the fact that his ideas were coloured by a difficult relationship with his father in now way detracts the ultility of his theories "

they say one has to walk in the mocassins of another before one can truly know their pain, and so only a female would be able to speak from the animus energies as an insider . (well i added on the part about the animus )
that could be true. i will never know what a period feels like, or what the experience of giving birth is, i think as male we tend to keep things as remote from us like the emperor does for his feelings.
the fact that jung had a problem with his father might colourize this theory , yet i am of the basis that we all problems with our parents in one way or other and that they infouence our lives with their personalities.
so for me the emperor and mother would not be for you what it is .
yet for our understanding on the universal arcetypes could we agree ?

still we move on
"the relationship between mother and son are philopsophically primary"
(i agree that a son and mother relationship , especially in the universe is important )
"the mother nurtures the son(the emerging self conscious), while the father stands as the guardian of the process.

agian here we see the old idealism of the woman stay home and cooks and clearns while the man goes out and hunts and provides.
yet nowdays the woman is the one who does both in many single families . and has to do the work of both aspects.
so within us all , awakens the emperor and the emperess as we expand. the single fathers being the role of both parents will come to realize the emperess within himself but will he embrace it ? social conscious expanding notwithstanding i think the father will have trouble with the social conditioning of non expression of feelings as a male image, and do his best to portray that onto his children.

"metaphysical symbolism is useless if not applied to real human problems and behavoior ?"
i couldnt' agree more , one can say they know kung fu, but if they dont' pratice of it , they know of it but can't do it .

"he represents an outgoing force, which inseminates, a martian energy which is restricted and acted upon by the formative female "

the male energy of the universe is an force which when recieved by the female energies begins a creative energy which is restricted by some, (all that energy going in a cup i could restrict it ) and is acted upon by female energie to formulate what is given into manifestation.
(we got the act of conception and birth described as it applies to the universe )

when meditating on the father image he may appear
"be verbal , intellectual, and rational -sometimes to the point of being cold "."and though he inflicts punishment , he is dynamically protective of his own "
he is the provider of support , of strength , and of fatherly love,
he is the lawgiver, though it will be repeatedly underscored, the father forgives, the mother does not.
reversed he is
"cruel, oppressive, and totally self centered"

i dont' see why the mother does not forgive , and the father forgives for hasn't people used to see the old god as a god of judgement and the goddess as a god of love and forgiveness before the awakend brother came as christ and balance out the energies to show us a loving god ?

which to me he combined the two forces into a god source who is neither he, she but they.


the father medition
his castle is up the mountain, higher then us , ye there he sits among us, despite what we think of him. the father is the god, he is the fall father, he is my old man who likes the drink, yes he lives within him as well.

looking at the clothes he wears, it is is white signaling that what he comes from, it is still the purest of intentions that ideally he acts upon. he has a cape which to me signifes the supernatural aspects of him, the secrets that he holds which only he knows.
only he knows why he acts as he does according to the logic and the best way to use, that he possesses.

his heart isn't fully closed off for thought it is tied shut with pure intentions , the logic of the sword can through conflict cut those pure ties and let loose his intentions.

the wand is his power, and it can be the bias for his logic, which is the nature of the father. to be a good father , to be a good business man to be a good man , to be a good woman in context of the father teachings she recieved.
the wand is within us all, and how to harness it depends on our intentions .
should the father be reversed, it would mean he is trying to dominate, show his power, and make others do his bidding.

looking at the sword, he can smite, he can killed, he can defend himself, yet here during peace time it is a figurehead of his power.
sometimes the cold logic of the mind can kill the spirit, killed the heart and the body with its influence.

the wand doens't have to be phallic but the spark of the divine within us all , as wands respresent spiritual consciousness
so it could be the logical application of the spirit tempered with the best way to apply it with the sword.

look at the way he holds the sword, perhaps he is just a figure head now, too old to do like be a general, to adventure, but he has proven himself intelligent and knowledgeabe so that is why he is still the emperor . some believe once you were emperor you were emperor for life, yet others passed on the kingship to the son when they could not longer be the king.
and other ways was that being a king wasn't divinely inspired it belonged to he who has the power. such was the dark king.

if i recall from my picture bible. the people called for a king and they were warned that he will rule you and they still called for it and so it was given that a man was choosen.
is the emperor choosen, made, or self made.

i don't know that colour of his throne, but i am seeing purple blue and so i think of the soul seat , which is our connection to our soul. and when it is off we don't know who are, why we are living for and we give up.
yet if we connect to the soul seat (which is two inches below the throad , and above the heart ) we will know who we are.

i am thinking of mufasta saying to simba :remember who you are "
and from robin and marion , when robin was asked why did you follow him, he frowned and looked at marion "because he was my king "

it is up to us to see who we are to follow, it is our will, and ultiamlly we should follow our inner emperor who knows inside what is best for us.

the mountain recalls to me the movie conan
"my god is crom he lives on the mountain, he doens't listen,"where his friend ask bah what good is he
'he is crom , if i die i have go before him, "conan says.
the main message was that we have to make our own way in life , and that the emperor teaches the rule of steel
steel is great, yes, but it is our bodies and our minds that runs our bodies that gives steel its power.

and finally why did we have so many gods, who were differnt types of father ?
"you couldn't understand me so you picked little reflections of me and gaved it personality , know those were just but a reflection of my true essence for i am mulifaceted "

"the ground you see behind me is barren , or so it looks to be barren in fact is resoded and is awaiting the seed of new thoughts to give it fruit , that is why i life up on the mountains so i can watch the field and direct it "

why is your floor checkered ?
"it is a constanct reminder that i am you , and you are me yet , in side of us a dark side and a light side and at any time we can be the dark aspect. we should strive to understand our self as to not become the dark aspects."

"the sky is a reminder that the if you come only from the mind , the darkness will surround you , that is the failing of the emperor, who if he comes only from the mind and learn the power of his ego , forever will he be negative until he sees the spirit, the emotions, and the wisdom of the body"