Die Bachblueten-Devas - Bach Flower Remedies


I just bought a new deck Die Bachblueten-Devas by Alois Hanslian. It is a Bach Flower Remedies deck. I buy this deck because of the art, despite I have no knowledge in Bach Flower Remedies :p. I have done a little search in this forum and the internet. Still I don't how to use this deck (no instruction).

Do you use this card like tarot i.e. draw some cards and meditate on the cards base on the remedy offered by the flower?

Or do I need to get the flower essence to get the real benefit of Bach Flower Remedies?

here is a link to see the samples of the cards:

moon_mermaid :)


I don't know anything about this oracle deck Moommaiden but thanks for the link, the cards certainly are beautiful. They look as though they would give very intuitive readings.

Diana is a Bach flower therapist, maybe she's know about this deck.

Love and light

Sulis xx


i know diana owns this deck so maybe she can asnwer how she uses them.
they are beautiful cards indeed !!!


moon_mermaid: I think that how one uses this deck would be a very personal affair. However, I will give my point of view, although other people who use this deck would probably give another view.

I wouldn't use it to start learning about Bach Flower Remedies. For that, one would need to buy some good books, to start with the one that Edward Bach wrote himself: The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies.

For other useful books, you can go to this web-site:


I use this deck frequently for myself and start off my consultations with it as well. I have put a little drop of each remedy on the back of each card to give it more "power". It gives me a very clear idea as to what the underlying issue can be, because the underlying issues are often hidden under the day-to-day concerns and sometimes one cannot see them properly.

I have never used these cards for meditating, but I do not see why not - but one would need to have some good books to refer to in order to know exactly what each Essence is about.

And most definitely, if you can afford to buy the whole set of the Bach Flower Remedies, I would advise you strongly to do it. They are expensive, but will last you for years (you can keep them forever). Please buy the real thing. Either the Bach Flower Remedies made by Nelsons, or even better, in my opinion, buy them from Healing Herbs: http://www.healingherbs.co.uk/ . Many of the Essences one can buy today are really no good, so if you're going to spend so much money, it is better to have the best.

Bach Flowers are so gentle... and so powerful. The benefits are really wonderful.


i can certainly vote for nelsons, coz they make homeopathic remedies as well. they make them the tradiotional way, so i trust their bach flower remedies would be as good as their homeopathic ones.


Kaz, my teacher only uses Nelson's and I know he will frown on me with great displeasure when I tell him that I'm using the Healing Herbs!

And he works miracles, my teacher does.


MM Moon-mermaid,

The Bachblüten Deva deck is really nice, I have all decks by A. Hanslian (he also made a Orchideenblüten deck and and Angel deck) but you really should read the books by E. Bach to get a real idea of Bachblüten.


I will put in my 2 cents here as well. Rescue Remedy helped me through a very difficult summer. It has also helped my Mother with her Menapause symptoms. I have invested in the whole set because it is worth it. I am still learning about all the essences and their uses, but I am convinced now.




Thanks for your replies and suggestions. I have checked the sites for the cost of the essence. Yes, really a big investment. I think I will read the books first before investing into the essence. Diana I agree with you that to pay a higher price for real thing. I need to save some money now. I checked that both Nelson and Healing Herbs have local distributors.

Catlin, I envy you to have all the decks by A. Hanslian, his decks are really wonderful but hard to find now except the one I got. Sigh!

Actually I want to learn more about Bach Remedies is because of my mother. Mimer, my mother is also suffering from Menapause symptoms, worse, she got joint pains which made her very upset, as she cannot go anywhere but stuck in the house all day. She has visited doctors periodically but they just telling her to be patient. Well, she's been patient for quiet some time. If you don't mind, could you share your experience with me.
