Wish Spreads


Hi Midnight,

I just looked at the spread and I think it can really get to the point/heart of the situation. I find it not so easy to read for myself, but have a look at this, quick glance approach, not in depth: My 'wish' was how will I go in my exams?

1. Six of Wands- Trying to obtain a balance, 6=turning point
2. Eight of Cups - To remove myself/thinking/stop playing on Aeclectic and move away and study!!
3. Seven of Swords - Not being prepared
4. Two of Wands - Allowing my choice to be the next step into the future.
5. Strength - Hmmmm....let go of.....
6. Hermit - Will learn about wisdom from within/time alone
7. High Priestess - Trust in your intuition

Did that help?

Maybe you should let us all know what cards you got!


P.S. I really need to get back to my study now!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I better tell you what each position means now that it's been moved...

1. Present state of mind
2. What will help make your wish come true
3. What are you afraid of
4. How can others help
5. What must you let go of
6. What will you learn along the way
7. Will your wish come true

Layout goes like this:




no suggestions?? Oh well...........



my wish spread

i just thought about my relationship (i just ended it after 10 years...the last 3 to 4 years were in a state of denial, having felt like i fooled myself in thinking i was in love which is really a lesson for me to learn which i am grateful for, even if it took me a while to get the lesson, but at least it taught me what i'd want to expect from my next (and hopefully last) relationship in the future) My wish is that should I end up in the next relationship with the person i want, will it come true in that it will be the last one and a very happy marriage at that one?

so the cards I drew were:

1. 4 of Cups-Luxury: deep emotional yearning for something
2. 7 of Cups-Debauch: amazing opportunities and trust my instincts
3. 4 of Disks-Power: financial problems (may worry that they are not being resolved?)
4. Princess of Disks: thrifty (even if don't have money, can make things happen?)
5. The Sun: letting go of my happiness? or letting go of my fear of not being happy?
6. 2 of Swords-Peace: breathing space in time of struggle...meaning i need to be by myself for a while?
7. Art: (temperance) Marriage, creative genius, radiant energy...

so i will get my wish, getting married to the person i want? or am i off the mark?

feedback, anyone?

as you can see, i'm using the Thoth deck.


My wish: For my children to grow up with confidence. I used the Quest Tarot

1. Present state of mind - Mother of Stones - rev
2. What will help make your wish come true - 10 Stones
3. What are you afraid of - Father of Wands - rev
4. How can others help - Hanged Man
5. What must you let go of - Wheel - rev
6. What will you learn along the way - 9 Stones - rev
7. Will your wish come true - Son Wands

I have only done this in brief but I'm very happy with the way this spread worked for me.

1. I think this points to my worry about the future.
2. This tells me that children need a solid foundation and security and shows what I need to do to help them in this.
3. This points to me wanting things to work out right for them and that I want them to 'fit in' and not be isolated.
4. This is how I can help them by being flexible and this will boost their independance. Perhaps I need to try and see their point of view more. (they're teenagers!!) - say no more!
5. This card shows stagnation, being stuck and the need to take a chance with something and points to them going their own way and me letting go.
6. I take this card to mean more reality than material things and tells me that I will never stop worrying about them. All part of a parents job
7. Shows energy. A journey. Their journey through life? I thinks this meens they are going in the right direction. We are all on the right track - me and them. So yes my wish will come true if I follow the other cards.

I have said this before in another post but I find whenever I have relationship related questions, I seem to get alot of court cards in the spread. Here, we have a Mother, Father and Son. Very apt for the question don't you think?

I have also worked out the quintessential card to be Hierophant and perhaps this point to handing knowledge down from father to son and tradition.
