Bruegel Tarot - Eight of Swords


OK, we did a ten and a nine, so now time for an eight ......

Since Spring is coming (in the U.S. anyway), we will go with the suit that represents Spring in this deck - the Swords. Not sure why swords were chose to represent Spring, maybe something to do with new beginnings?

Well, this card seems to be a card of conflict. Two women are fighting in the foreground, each brandishing a knife. To the right is a soldier holding an axe and standing over a man who he has just apparently killed - gratuitous blood pouring from his face. The soldier has taken an interest in the two women. Below the women, even the animals cannot get along. Two dogs appear to be pulling at the same bone. Two cats stand ready to pounce on the same unsuspecting mouse.

in the background stand four people, a man and three women. The man seems to be trying to explain something while the women appear to be disappointed.

Finally, on the roof of the house we see four knives embedded (a fifth hands idle behind one of the sparring women).

I sense that this card stands for upheavel in the house, perhaps an unhappy family situation of some sort. The man in the back makes me think that there is some infidelity afoot.

That's my quick read - next study card will be the seven of wands, followed by something from the major arcana - any suggestions? I love this deck more every day.



8 of Swords

The two women in the front of the card, standing next to a house, first drew my attention. It looks like they are about ready to cut each other’s throats! They are holding a gigantic knife and are clenching their fist, looking furiously at each other. Now this is literally what the proverb from the LWB says: “Two wives in one house cannot get along (Only one person can be the boss).” Hmm, then this cards shows the kind of conflict that arises when someone else enters your “domain” – your territory. And indeed, next to the two women, two dogs are shown fighting over a bone and two cats have their eye on the same mouse... What I think is interesting here, is that one of the dogs is white and one of them is black. Similarly, there’s a lighter cat and a darker one. It shows dualities and opposites, but nonetheless shows that some balance remains...

Firmly implanted in the roof of the house are four more knifes, adding to the atmosphere of conflict. It also makes me think that this conflict may be going pretty deep, since the knifes are so firmly embedded...
A fifth knife is hanging from a roof beam, which is really quite dangerous – it could fall and really hurt someone! It makes me think of a threat or a warning, kinda à la sword of Damocles.

A man in armour, holding an axe, appears to be coming directly from the ground (if I’m totally wrong here, please tell me, it’s not very clear). As I feel he’s embodying the atmosphere of this card (conflict and strife), I feel this could show arguments suddenly appearing, but which may have a deep root...

A man dressed in white and red is lying on the ground, on what appears to be a stick or spear. Now that has got to feel pretty uncomfortable – but what’s even more: he’s bleeding from his nose and (I think) his head. He’s twitching, stretching out his hand as if calling for aid. Maybe he’s been knocked down by the man in armour, maybe by something else, but either way, this guy seriously needs help!

All this fighting, conflict and confusion makes me wonder whether they all know what exactly they are fighting about – who knows, maybe this is all due to a simple misunderstanding! Solving their problems in peace and taking a look at their motivations and the underlying reasons would definitely do them much more good!

The scene in the background is much more serene. A man approaches three women, who all look rather moderate. The man is taking something with him, holding it out towards the women. Since he’s walking away from the scene in the foreground, I feel he’s walking away from all the confusion, towards new possibilities. I can’t make out what he’s holding in his hand, but I feel it’s something that’s valuable to him, something beautiful.
I think I’ll see this scene as the advice to just shrug our shoulders when something bad happens, as the one woman in the background appears to be doing, and to carry on, focusing on the good, like the man.

Any thoughts? (Not very likely, considering the large amount of people participating :rolleyes:...)

Warm regards to whoever is reading this,

Rusty Neon

Re: 8 of Swords

spoonbender said:
Any thoughts? (Not very likely, considering the large amount of people participating :rolleyes:...)

Warm regards to whoever is reading this,

spoonbender ... don't let it get you down. I feel like that about 98 percent of my posts on Aeclectic Tarot forum. It's a wonder I still post. :)


I agree with Rusty Neon.
I have order these cards, but they haven't come in yet. When they do I don't know if I'll be much help, but I'll try!


Not a problem everyone - join in if/when you can :)

I am doing this as an exercise to give myself and anyone interested a chance to explore the cards intimately. There is so much going on that I find if I can report on it here on the boards, I will actually take the time to get to know the cards. The complexity of these cards is above and beyond alot of the decks that I own.

My plan is to eventually get through all 78 at some point. Right now I am bouncing around but I think I will start taking them in order after the next card, starting with the minors.




How much have I missed? (I am cursing my job right now!!)


8 Swords/Domestic Dispute at Joe's House

Or the Fall of the House of Joe

I see a troubled home/domestic dispute happening here depicted in the foreground (scene). The LWB mentions "two wives," so I'll go with that and there they are about to kill each other. With the women I see extremes of jealousy, envy, ego exalted, bad choices (Duh!) desire/need to control resulting in a LOSS of control, (rage) unwillingness to share or reach an agreement, (selfishness) resorting to extreme force which has led to at least one person being injured (so far). (Sounds like a news report) :D

So, I think that the women are fighting over the man (husband) who is lying on the ground (temporarily forgotten). I don't get much into colors in interpreting cards, however, the bold color of red which usually signifies strong (fiery)feelings to me, passion, lust, sex, etc. also suggest to me that he is the "object" of their affections and the reason for the dispute.

The man in yellow seems to be there to diffuse the situation and get things under control before more damage is done. He's there to enforce the "law."

The man on the ground (the husband) has been injured (probably by one of his knife-wielding wives or perhaps one of them punched him in the nose - I could just see it happening - look at those fists) when he got in the way of their fight. Whichever way it happened the man and his injury which no one is noticing, so bent are they on "being number one," is trying to get their attention because he's been hurt and somewhat incapacitated. He is lying on a stick of some sort and if it was to be a means of protection for him, then he can forget it. But, he could "forget about protecting himself and avoiding such a devastating situation" long before now. He is experiencing the result of his bad choices or inability to choose. Perhaps, he was afraid to confront things even though he knew they were headed in a bad direction. He is the one who is responsible for this "oppressive environment, vicious circle, through his lack of self-assertion." Did he want his cake and to eat it, too? :D He was certainly not the "boss" in his household, that's for sure. I don't think for one minute that he could handle those two. However, if you want two women, then you'd better be prepared to handle two women because "to whom much is given, much is required." That is a scripture and may not be totally apropos, but, I think it fits. :)

These people are resorting to force to solve their problems; they are all armed. Not very intelligent . . . which makes me wonder about the scene in the background (the man and the three women). Are they just curious, nosy neighbors? Are the women gossiping and speculating on what's taking place "over there?" Are they saying that they saw this coming? The knives jutting out from the roof of the house is an obvious sign that this is a house of unrest and best to stay clear. Maybe the man is seeking to protect the women by warning them not to get too near this bad situation.

Or, could it be that what they are discussing among themselves has nothing directly to do with the other people. Are they, perhaps, representing ANOTHER WAY to handle a conflict? Talking it out, instead of duking it out. I love all the greenery - it seems so inviting. It's definitely safer there. Could it be that the three women are single and vying for the affections of the man. Maybe he is looking to make a choice for a wife and will choose between the three - hopefully, learning from Joe's mistake - "One . . . I'll take just ONE. Don't want to end up like Joe with knives sticking out of my house, the law being called in, and a bloody nose. It ain't worth it!" Look, he's even bearing a "gift," although, without a magnifying glass (which I will have to get hold of if I want to really use this deck) I can't tell what it is. Maybe, it's a loaf of bread. What could that signify? If those women are interested in marrying that man, I'd dare say they'd better be good cooks, so . . . maybe it has to do with the calming influence of sharing a meal "come, let us reason together over the breaking of bread." Or something like that. :)

They certainly do seem to be communicating and no one is brandishing a weapon. Ahhh . . . that's more like it. Rather a peaceful scene especially in comparison to the situation over at "Joe's place." Joe's in some deep $#!T! Poor Joe (or whatever his name is).

Now, back at Joe's we see that "jealousy, selfishness," abounds even in the animals. The two cats BOTH want that one mouse. Like Joe and his women. ("HE'S MY MAN AND THIS IS MY HOUSE!") The two dogs are desiring that one bone. There just isn't enough to go around over here. The unwholesome spirit of the place just seems to be affecting everything. The situation with the cats and the dogs might turn out a lot better though because animals are smarter than people when it comes to many things. I'll bet that whichever of the two (cats and dogs) gets the "prize" the other will "shrug it off" and quickly become occupied elsewhere, with an "Oh, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. NEXT." There will be no grudges held, no vengeance, no "I'm gonna get you for this; didn't you know that was MINE?" Nope, with the animals it's, "may the best cat/dog win" and that's that. Besides, there is no ego and it really is all about instinct, survival, territory, but, when it's over it's over. There's always another bone to be had, another mouse to be gotten - and somehow they just know that without ANYONE HAVING TO TELL THEM. Not so with us.

Interesting to me is that one cat is lighter than the other and the same goes for the dogs. To me this means that on the outside something might appear to be different, but, on the inside they are/can be the same or very similar. Which is of more importance? The dogs will regardless of one color or another, simply do what dogs do and the same for the cats. Makes no difference.

HOWEVER, Joe's wives are dressed the same. They look the same on the outside (Joe has probably always chosen the same types of women. The man obviously has bad taste.) Unlike the dog/cats, we the PEOPLE (higher up on the food chain) are supposed to have a little reason and heart to go along with our instincts. I dare say these women are pretty much the same INSIDE and OUT. But, they don't have to be - they could have made different choices.

I'd say that if Joe doesn't get a "handle" on his household that knife hanging so precariously, poised to drop at any moment, is going to do just that and the whole thing is going to come tumbling down around their heads.

The end.