Fantastical SG -- Themes


Greetings folks,

I thought i'd start the ball rolling with a thread about themes, things that we notice in all the cards thats unusual etc to this particular deck.

My first pondery on a theme is their eyes. In nearly all the cards it looks like their eyes are either closed, or that they're pupils are rolled into the back of their head.
To me this symbolised how they see the world differently, looking within and intuitively, maybe its a reflection of their different world all together?
Maybe the distorted world in the Fool is an example of how everyone in the deck sees the world and have to work things out intuitively and from within to straighten out how they see the world so things are 'normal'.

Just a ramble, feel free to jump in with other ideas of themes


edited to correct appalling spelling


to me, sometimes they look like they're actually dead, or zombies, or ghosts! has to do with the eyes, and how pale they are, but also kind of goes along with the idea that this is a "fantastical" world...!


Their bodies seem very thin and the faces especially!!! This helps them look very good, especially the High Priestess, the Hierophant and the Hermit, showing age and wisdom.
The others seem to lack physical emphasis, maybe because they are more concerned with a more spiritual side of things? I'm thinking about monks going weeks without eating because of their dedication to their spirituality. Maybe they dont need food to comfort them, because they have all the comfort and sustinace they need from their creative spiritual crazy little world. They are completely secure.

The artwork can be seen as very 'fashionable' as 'goth' is in at the moment, taking their clothes and wild hair! but Ms Hertz pulls the style off without being part of this fashion thing. Her paintings are truly evocative and i really cant put this deck down for long! The more i handle it the more i feel it whispering things to me and feeling at home in this Fantastical world.

How about you?



windows of the soul....

At first, I was disturbed with the lack of color in everyone's eyes. But, after much contemplation, I came to feel that the 'eye-less' look of everyone signified that they have no barrier between their inner and outer worlds.

Their sight is not a physical one; they see directly from inside. Might also explain the starkness of the faces....

I'm going through the cards a number at a time. Right now, the Aces. These are beautiful scenes, very peaceful and still. Almost too lovely to disturb. And every tool has a dragon-- ancient energy here.

These cards draw me in. I think I'm going to do some pathwork with these-- it seems like I'll be able to tumble right in without any problems.

Oh yes, the borders. I usually find borders difficult and frequently cut them off. I'm having no trouble with these borders. Perhaps it's that they're gold-- I don't know.

fly well


Re: windows of the soul....

Ravenswing said:

I'm going through the cards a number at a time. Right now, the Aces. These are beautiful scenes, very peaceful and still. Almost too lovely to disturb. And every tool has a dragon-- ancient energy here.

These cards draw me in. I think I'm going to do some pathwork with these-- it seems like I'll be able to tumble right in without any problems.

Oh yes, the borders. I usually find borders difficult and frequently cut them off. I'm having no trouble with these borders. Perhaps it's that they're gold-- I don't know.

Welcome to the study Ravenswing!!

The cards are really beautiful, the more i look at them the more i like them!
I was thinking about the dragons on the back of every card. I normally dont pay much attention to backs, but the dragons on the back are.. enchanting is how i find them. To me they show the wisdom and the approachable wisdom of the cards, but with them being up and down, maybe they easily accept the light/dark good/bad postive/negative aspects of life in this fantastical world.

The cards are very approachable, almost wanting to hand you a leaflet about their wisdom. Theres lots of joy in these cards (though if you blink you might miss it:p). Pathworking, especially with the High Priestess, who i normally have problems with, seems like she will give you a hint of wisdom if you are respectful.
Reminds me of a few Wiccan High Priestesses around :p


Little Baron

Just to add; in terms of the eyes, the lady in Justice, out of all of them, looks as though she does have eyes in that wiped out space where they should be. Probably just shading but the shape is kind of suggested.

Best wishes



Those eyes...

When looking at the cards I´ve been getting a feeling that the eyes are the "wild cards" of each depicton.
The part of the card that determines if the cards wisdom is open or closed to the querent.

I can somehow see the eyes as either open or cosed and though I am still new to the deck and have not gotten through all of the parts yet (cups and pentacles still to go) I can already sense that this detail will make a tremendous difference in readings.

I had planned on using this deck only for myself based on the immediate and near foundation-shaking feeling I got from it, but maybe I will use it for others aswell after all... Though possibly not hands on...

*Getting a little possessive here I think...*

Another relevant point is that I never use reversals and keep all the cards upright. I feel that any further depth I have been missing out on in other decks due to this, is more than made up for by just the eyes alone in these cards.