Fantastical SG -- 10 of Cups


Hey folks,
Me again, i cant put this deck down at the moment!

The card i got yesterday as my daily draw was the 10 of Cups.
Now to me this looks a very bleak card, with the forest or group of trees looking almost dead to me!! Hardly your typical 10 of Cups!!!
Then i saw the butterfly, and the two deer? moose? and thought about if i was there. If all my home and been destroyed, then the butterfly going past shows hope, and then the 2 animals, i'm assuming are male and female and are together - they will have realised that all is not lost from their life because they have eachother and their love. They could find a new home or help rebuild the one lost, because for them, home is in the heart, not about possessions and places.

What do you think?



10 of Cups


First impressions-- the unknown of the mists. Transformation represented by the butterfly. The Lovers shown as the stag and doe.

Mysterious card here.

Looking closer I saw four-- no, five (I missed the real thin one at first) trees, their tops faded into the mists (the phrase 'mists of time' popped up here). Ten cups, not evenly spread out-- ('here, there and everywhere': my sound track cut in a bit of Beatles)

A little more rationally: First I saw four, then five trees. The jewels on the cup are blue and red. Back to the tree of life...

4 represents the sphere of Mercy-- colored blue.
5 represents the sphere of Severity-- colored red.

In my system, the Major Arcana card Justice connects Mercy and Severity. Balance, balance... God gives, God takes. All in good time. All in proper measure.

And the deer... The stag, looking forward, experienced (notice his large rack of antlers) in keeping things in motion. A provider of the now.

The doe looks downward to the earth-- her connections. Looking at the fawns to be. A provider of the future.

All the rest-- the past that we build on.

Quite a card....

fly well


The card really does give you the sense of well, sometimes you have good and bad patches, but here the deer keep together and live through all the ups and downs. Maybe they know that things will always change, and that they have to change and transform with that change, otherwise they will die out.
Evolution and adaptation are easy if you have a rock to hold on to, and in this case each other and the balance they give eachother in love and life.
Although in a Fantastical world - they have a greater grasp of the realities in life than we do? OHH theres another paradox for you!

I can tell i'll enjoy reading your posts Raven :p



Since the cups suit relates to emotions

First, the stag and the doe similar to the lovers. The doe is looking toward the earth in a serene glance. The stag is looking upward with contemplative expression. They seem to be saying all is one. This is whole relationship.
Second, since butterflies are flying out of the cup on the ace card, it would be showing that the relationship has reached its fullest point.
Third, with just the trunks of trees and ten cups floating above them seems to say that the relationship has produced much love.
I do love this deck!--Tao


The ten cups..

This does strike me as a sad card at first, but then I started noting the movement in it.

Firstly the doe is looking down, with a rather strained, but somehow still relaxed, look. It's as if she is thinking that in this wasteland we need to find or build something together if we are to have anything at all, which emphasizes the unity of the two.
Nothing around them, and yet she sees potential for growth as long as they stay together.

Secondly the stag is looking up, as if distracted or maybe he got that way as he was looking around to see what direction they should be going in.
This indicates that he also is willing to leave this wasteland along side of the doe and may even be prepared to leave his own home to be by her side.

But then he sees the butterfly, telling him (and me) that there is still life here, and he can build a life right here where he has always belonged.

Then his gaze goes up even higher, to the golden cups, indicating that life is ever present and you just have to take the oportunities you have to make the most of it.

While far from the traditional man surrounded by family this is still a hopeful card for me, mostly due to the butterfly..


Hmmm, very interesting card here.

When I look at the card, I first am drawn to the tree's and mist. Just right there, it shows me hope. The tree's might be dead, but they still stand tall and try to outgrow the mist, and meet the sunlight one again.

I am then drawn to the three creatures, Butterfly, Elk, Deer.

First, the butterfly, shows many colors on himself, and I believe represents transformation. From his colors to the change of being a catapillar, to butterfly. It may apply to the forest use to be the home of these creatures, but is now consumed by something (represented by the mist)

Next, is the Elk. He appears to be looking up, and appears to be next to the deer. As if family. The Elk is looking up, as in hope. He believes that there is hope, and that he needs to be strong and sturdy to provide hope to his family.

The deer, confused me. I am unsure, its role, except for the fact is may be family to the elk. It appears to be sad though.

The cups, 10 of them, are floating up above the tree's, which still implies of hope to me. They are made of gold and have 3 jewels, on them. Shining against the mystery of the mist, which almost gives me a sense of joy.