where to begin?


I know most study groups and people in general begin with the fool. Is that a good starting point in this deck? I know in many decks, the magician is a better starting point. Any opinions/reasons for starting with one or the other?

I know with Tarot of the Old Path, the fool was not the appropriate starting card for my study. having just gotten the Gothic Tarot, I haven't had a chance to decide yet, hence asking.... HELP!


I chose to contribute to the Study Group by pulling a card at random, and then finding the appropriate thread to contribute to after I had gathered my thoughts. Sometimes though I would find another thread intriguing as I read along, and would go find my deck to look up the card for myself. Often, I ended up posting as a result myself!

I tend to take a less structured approach to deck learning. Begin anywhere... just begin! And don't forget the joy of learning through playing... errr ... reading with them too. })

September Pixie

I find that I love this deck FAR more than I do most, so I will either pull a card at random or will flip through the deck and find the card that speaks the most to me at the moment. I don't think there needs to be any structure as to which card you start with just as long as you start somewhere! :)


randomness for me too, as will all my study groups so far i think.



Randomness works for me. --Tao