Fantastical SG-- Two of Swords


Here is a woman, holding two swords crossed over her chest. Her head is bowed. She is looking down, maybe because at the most awkward of times we look at the floor :p

She reminds me of a warrior. Her long raven hair, her no nonsense look on the face. Just by looking at her you know that this is a sword lady. A woman of logic and determination with ambition to move up the ranks. The headdress emphasises how prized her brain is. Shes wearing black, a colour of restriction and brown, earthy and grounded, shes sure shes full of common sense and doing the right thing, though maybe not necessarily for herself.

Rather than a RW sea, we have a very blue sky. Hertz has used the sky rather than the sea, colour rather than a symbol of water. Her emotions are deep and real and she chooses not to see them. Actually, looking further, it looks like she is in the desert! If you ever needed a symbol of lack of fulfilling her emotional needs then thats it! as the blue meets the horizon it gets darker, there are mountains, or maybe pryamids showing that unity and listening to those needs are vital to gain wisdom and proceed further. There is only so much the head can do.

Just a few thoughts



She looks pissed.. Like she is ready to take on anyone who comes up to her and tries to make her see reason.

She has no interest whatsoever in hearing someone elses oppinions. This is her very own thing and anyone butting in can count on a few well placed slashes from those big swords she is holding.

Not only are they a burden, preventing her from taking anything else with her or picking anything up along the way, but they are also her shield, her protection, one that she seems quite comfortable behind. Or would be, had it not been for that anger and frustration she is feeling.

I actually think she's been walking all the way across that field, from the mountans in the distance to where she is now, without stopping or eating or drinking or even thinking of anything.
She is too busy feeling to be able to deal with anything other than holding those swords up, or wielding them, which she would probably do quite aptly if she would feel the need to...
- Go talk to her and you'll probably feel it for yourself. ;o)


Two of Swords -

To me, she has been crossing the field to complete something. Her head may seem to be at an angle downward, but she is looking ahead.

She shows no fear, sadness, nor signs of joy.

It seems she is a Warrior Lady, and will not take anyone else's opinion. Almost rogue-like.

It almost seems as if she means to kill someone in the village, she seems to be looking at.

As if she needs to complete her mission.