Palmisty Study Group: The Ego/Fate line


I've purposefully saved this line to discuss last, as it's usually one of the last *major* lines that I read.

The Ego/Fate line requires that the palm reader incorporate what they have already gleaned from this person's hand shape, and other lines already discussed, and then use that to interpret what they see. It indicates how a person "defines" themselves - how they have lived their life.

For some, they may define themselves by their occupation, or their religion. "I'm a carpenter... but then I changed into computer engineering." Or, "I'm a Jewish mother."

These are "identity concepts". The Ego line shows how this person has identified their Ego, as well as obstacles they've had to face along the way that have also effected that process.

The Ego line is seen on most people's hands, although there are some palms without one, but rare. For those without, I interpret this as someone who has never defined who they are in life, and as such, may feel they have drifted without direction.

If the Ego line originates from the mount of moon (that is the mount towards the pinkie side, but at the palm's bottom) that would show someone who has always been drastically different than the environment they were raised in. This person may have needed to strike out on their own to better find the answers they need in their current lifetime.

If the Ego line originiates from the Life line, it shows someone whose identity/ego is STRONGLY formed by their familial connections. This is sometimes seen on hands of children who found themselves in caretaker positions of their own parents or elders. Or, if someone strongly attached their own identity to their family ("I am Dora Baca, of the C D Baca family of San Antonio..." for example).

It there's a "star" or fork, indicating more than one origination point for this line exists, than the person may be struggling against both inclinations... they may strongly identify with their family, but also equally feel the need to go their own way, and find their own answers.

Rarely, and this is purely my own interpretation not found in traditional materials mind you, but rarely you will see folks with a fork or trident as origination points for this line. I've come to see these people as "visitors" of sorts, that many are souls who have incarnated here in order to help, however they can, with the unique gifts they bring. These people are often "go-getters," and have multiple degrees, and/or mastery in varying fields of interest, as if they are avid learners of this realm.

The strength of this line will indicate the depths to which the sitter has "invested" themselves. If the Ego line is shallow, it shows someone who has shied away from fully experiencing what life has to offer, usually as a means of "protecting" themselves.

Deep lines indicate a sitter who is, of course, fully invested in the path(s) they take, come what may.

Breaks along this line... if a noticable gap can be seen where the line ends, only to start again nearby, this shows a time when the sitter has had to reinvent themselves. These kinds of "reinventions" are of the most drastic sort.

More often, branches, a small cross, or other intersecting line will appear along the Fate line to show more common reinventions - those caused by divorce, career change, and the like. These are like obstacles in my eye, they are hurdles or times we've had to jump over in order to continue on our way.

Islands along this line indicate times of withdrawal, to an extreme degree. The bigger the island, the "bigger" the time of life and/or emotional withdrawal experienced.

Stars along the line are very tricky... and I have a tendency to use my intuition more often here. Sometimes they show a time of great success - other times, great pain. It is as if all the energy around them simply explodes, or shatters, for whatever reason.

Where the line ends is what is read next. Many lines end when they reach/intersect the Head line. Telling time in palmistry is tricky, but when the Ego line reaches the Head line, it is considered to be about 35, or "middle aged" on the palm.

Most of us define who we are, most intensively, from birth to 35. Many find they have settled into their world views by this time, and their Ego line will end to indicate this.

The space between the Head line and the Heart line (just above it) is considered from 35-49 years of age.

Very rarely, you will see those with Ego lines that cross the Heart line and terminate somewhere in the mound above it. These people will continue to push themselves, and to redefine who they see themselves as, past 50, until the time the line ends.

One frequently found feature to this line is the cross that is somewhere between the Head and the Heart lines. It's usually diagonally shaped in nature. This is considered a sign of "ultimate success..." (which always makes the sitter smile) "... after many setbacks, and much hardship," (which usually makes a sitter laugh, and say, "Figures!")

Here is a fictious example of a Fate line type reading, to better illustrate my points :

Your line originates from the mount of luna, which tells me you probably have always considered yourself different than the atmosphere you were raised in. And, just above the start I see a strong line intersecting it, with more hair lines all around it... this would be a time of trouble for you that probably occured when you were about 6. Later, your line re emerges more distinctly, which tells me this trouble strengthened your world view in the long run.

Your line has a sharp fork, an indication that around 27 you were strongly considering going another way in life. However, you stayed the course, and have continued to define who you are, within the context of your world. This seeking will continue until you are nearly 50, when finally you will find you know who you are.


thank you alissa! i really appreciate all you've taught us in these palmistry study group threads!

i have a question. i have a fate line that jogs along the head line to the right for 3 mm. before it continues upwards. is the part above the head line a new line or the fate line? it is at the same angle as the lower part...and if it is part of the fate line, what might the little jog mean?


Hmmm interesting... Am I correct in assuming the overall direction of your Ego line is roughly diagonal, coming from the mount of moon and slanting to the right in overall appearance?

The image I got while picturing this was is for a time, in your mid thirties, you were riding a current and for a time, it is like you drifted. You may have become extremely analytical in your life approach at this point, as the Head line is the line that carries the drift.

It's hard to say without seeing it, but if the line looked more broken than connected, to my own eye, I would also interpret this as a break that you had in identity concepts. You might have reinvented who you were at this time (again, probably stressing the analytical approach to life to assist you in the identity transition).

A break is more indicative of radical changes. A drifting line wouldn't feel the same (in my eye) as a break. Are the curves at sharp right angles? Or meandering, with fine lines attached?


Alissa said:
Hmmm interesting... Am I correct in assuming the overall direction of your Ego line is roughly diagonal, coming from the mount of moon and slanting to the right in overall appearance?

~~~yes, exactly

The image I got while picturing this was is for a time, in your mid thirties, you were riding a current and for a time, it is like you drifted. You may have become extremely analytical in your life approach at this point, as the Head line is the line that carries the drift.

~~~my mid thirties was when i had my two children. it was the most peaceful and content time in my life. i suppose in a sense i was analytical in that i did intensive research into parenting and we had planned exactly when to have our children and even their genders. on the other hand, i was in a place of maternal bliss that seems far from analytical. :)

It's hard to say without seeing it, but if the line looked more broken than connected, to my own eye, I would also interpret this as a break that you had in identity concepts. You might have reinvented who you were at this time (again, probably stressing the analytical approach to life to assist you in the identity transition).

~~~it's hard to say if it appears broken. in one sense it does, but in another way it looks as if it continues the fate line, especially at a quick glance. there was a major change in my identity in my late 20's early thirties. it was a very radical change that was not of my choosing.

A break is more indicative of radical changes. A drifting line wouldn't feel the same (in my eye) as a break. Are the curves at sharp right angles? Or meandering, with fine lines attached?

~~~curves? right angles? not sure i understand. the fate line hits the head line sharply (more of a 60 degree angle) then approx. 3 mm to the right, a line rises up sharply at the same angle. none of the lines meander or have fine lines.

~~~thanks again alissa, this is fascinating!



I've been waiting patiently (ok, not so patiently, as I rush to this section every time I log -on to see if Alissa has continued the palimstry study group!) for this piece.

On my right hand (my dominate hand), my fate line comes up in a very straight line, but at a 30 d angle from the mount. It is almost parallel to my life line. Then it takes an almost 45 d sharp turn almost straight up the center of my palm. Looks like it crosses my head line and faintly meets up to my heart line.

My left hand (non-dominate) it is a nice, gentle curve. It has a tiny fork just below the head line. There is another faint line between my head & heart line, but I can't really determine right now if it is a new line or part of the fate line.

But my main question, Alissa, is this: On my dominate hand, I have a line between the life line and fate line, that runs parallel to my life line, then forks out towards the fate line. The fork reaches out towards the fates sharp turn upwards. From earlier descriptions, this doesn't seem to be a "sister" line or guardian line - what could it be? I have a similar one on my non-dom hand, and both are fairly deep (as are all the major lines on my hands), so I suspect it is "important".....



You are describing a line much like I have on my own palm. And are you ready for the god's honest truth?

I don't know what that line is, or what it "means". But I have seen it, on myself, a few others.

Here's a thread zorya started about her own mysterious "M" like markings between the Life line and Ego line (also called the Destiny line by me in this old thread, I use the terms exchangably, sorry).

I answered her own question there, and posted a pic of my own palm to help illustrate.


Thanks Alissa - I had fun reading through that thread again! Forgot it was there!


A few notable variations on the interpretation and reading of this line are mentioned by Cheiro, who calls it "The line of fate" (not Ego).

This is one example of where my own palmistry philosophy begins to steer away from the more fatalistic Victorian concepts when reading myself. But I hope it will illustrate, for those following along the study group, some of the points I've been making, as well as provide more information on the line itself.

From Cheiro's Palmistry: the language of the hand, page 103 : "The line of fate... relates to all worldly affairs, to our success or failure, to the people who influence our career, ... to the barriers and obstacles in our way, and the utlimate result of our career."

Right away, you can see the Victorian concept of career as inextricably bound to one's Fate. I don't believe this concept is still as valid as it was, although many will discover their sitter's entire self-identity is indeed wrapped up in their life as a cop, a teacher, a mother, a con (i.e. their jobs).

Cheiro addresses the line's origination point as well.

"If the fate-line rise from the line of life and from that point on is strong, success and riches will be won by personal merit; but if the line be marked low down near the wrist and tied down, as it were, by the side of the life-line, it tells that the early portion of the subject's life will be sacrificed to the wishes of parents and relatives." (ibid).

I've often said most modern palmistry techniques are based off Cheiro's work. This is a great example where we can see Cheiro's original words about being tied down to one's familial obligation as it has mutated into current technique.

In Richard Webster's Revealing Hands he says this, "If the Destiny line starts attached to, or inside, the Life line it denotes a strong family environment in the growing up years." (p. 90).

Echo... echo....

To return to Cheiro. "When the line of fate rises from the wrist and proceeds straight up the hand to its destination on the Mount of Saturn [below the middle finger], it is a sign of extreme good fortune and success." (p.103)

And Webster : "If the Destiny line starts virtually on the wrist, the person decides what he or she wants to do and where he or she is going very early on in life." (p.96)

Again... similar info. And a more modern way of phrasing it.

However, Webster, when discussing reading the same aspects, says this. "If the line starts away from the Life line, nearer the center of the hand, it denotes a more independant start in life. This could be an indication of a family that was not close. It may indicate your client went to a boarding school, or is perhaps an orphan." (p.90)

Alissa says... Say what? This would make roughly a quarter to half of us orphans, in comparison to how common a palm characteristic this really is.

Lastly, Cheiro on originating in the Luna mount... "Rising from the Mount of Luna, fate and success will be more or less dependant on the fancy and caprice of other people. This is very often found in the case of public favorites." (p. 103).

Webster echoes, " If the Destiny line starts well across the palm, further than halfway, the independence is emphasized even more. Someone with their Destiny line starting here is likely to enjoy a career dealing with the public in some sort of way."

Ah ha.... again we see the Cheiro roots to Webster's own modern palm reading technique. Again, a public career is emphasized with those who have a Fate line starting in the mount of Luna.

A public career, or career won by popularity? It's a point I have *never* made while reading, so I honestly cannot attest to any veracity of this technique at all. It may be dead on, or it may not. But it would again mean that about a quarter of us are who we are because others like us and put us there.

I really don't like that. My sense of independence steps in, so to speak, right outta my Luna origination point really... (sorry, bad palmistry humor).

This is one minute set of examples, where many other comparisons such as this exist for a dedicated palmistry student. It takes time to read and compare what exists now, and to what came before... but it can be a worthwhile endeavor.

As much as I've said, there is still more to say about the Fate line, but as with all palmistry, I can realistically only begin to scratch the surface here on Aeclectic, compared to the tremendous amount of technique there is to learn.


More on features of the Fate line.

Richard Webster (p.102) also has this to say : "You will occasionally come across a Destiny line that starts in the middle of the palm and then veers over and touches the life line before breaking free again. This is a sign that family matters took precedence over the individual's own desires, and this person may have had to give up dreams of his own, such as going to college, because of the needs of someone close to him."

The key to remember when relating the Fate line to the Life line is that the Life line will always indicate "Family." If it starts from the Life line, a strong family background or connection. Or, if it touches the Life line, a familial concern that took precedence in their life for a time.

Another feature : "Squares of the Destiny line are always protective squares that shield the person from difficulties," (ibid).

This is a grey area, to me, when reading. Yes, a square is a protection. It is a box. Like the number 4 (four sides of course) and the Emperor, it represents solidity.

When is a box a protection and when is it an incarceration (such as when seen on the Life line)? Same concept really... a con is locked up for protection - his and ours. A person is confined in the hospital to protect him while he recovers.

I definitely encourage readers to relate other aspects as seen on the palm, as well as a liberal amount of their own intuition, as to what each square may mean, whenever you see it, and on which line as well.

isthmus nekoi

St. Andrew's cross

The St. Andrew's cross is made when the fate line touches the life line.

Does anyone have any experiences w/reading this? The books I have read suggested that this represents someone who saves lives and fights for a cause.