Das Lied der Rohrigen - Least Favourite Card

Little Baron

Even though the art work is of a high standard in this deck, I am sure that I am not the only one that has a few cards that I don't like as much as the others.

So which cards do you not like as much and why?



My 2 least favorites would be the 9 of disks, and The Star.

Not that I don't like the 9 of disks. I just can't figure it out. I'm used to the lone figure. Why are there 3?

The Star.. well, it's ok but it could've been SO much more.


I don't like the racing car on the Chariot card. It's too sports IMO.


I agree with Catlin. THe Chariot card put me off buying this deck for years until VERY recently. I don't mind it so much now.

I don't like the Queen of Cups. She doesn't look right to me. Not introspective enough.


For me its been of late the Prince of Wands.

I see this card has so much more to offer, but I just have to give this card more time to channel and all is fine. I just looks so Prince of Pentacles to me on initial look.

but saying this, I love this deck. It is not only beautiful and intuitive, but also so modern and that I feel is right for me.


I love the deck, but true there are a few cards that I find odd. I think the Knight of Wands is an anomaly in art style- like a different Artist has painted him. The two of Cups has an extra arm. I guess The Empress annoys me most. She looks self absorbed and a manipulator- too pale and dovelike to be The Empress in my book. I would rather her be the Star. ~Rosanne