Favourite Tarot Meditations



It's hard for me to gaze upon a card for very long before falling into it. As another member said, the border of the cards often becomes a gateway.

It's "easy-peasy" to meditate deeply on any cards of the decks I use...each attracting my attention at various times.

For me, such experience is nearly always total immersion - thankfully! Because it lets me let go of what deck-associated say, what my head says, and what my Controlling Self insists upon.

I do believe Tarot is a living representation of the universe "behind" the ordinary universe, and responds to our intentions and needs in ways - the depth of which can be explored indefinately.

And that's my bolder in the road. It's ofen very difficult for me to "surface" again and continue towards the message of the moment.

Dang! I just wrote more words than I usually speak in a whole day!


All of them! And none of them, depending on the moment.

The obvious way is to hold the card loosely in your lap, look at it, drop into an open-eye trance, and (treating the borders of the card as a corridor) walk into the card. Enjoy!
Agreed, great idea! I've been doing this awhile now, its going swimmingly..