HOW do you determine time in solo & combo card(s)?


I have been on multiple sites dedicated to applying times to tarot card based on everything from the card's Zodiac sign (which also varies depending on where you look) to the numerology behind the card. What is the REAL and ONLY true way of determining the age old question of when something will happen?


There is not real and only true anything. We're humans, not machines.

The search function on this site would have pulled upthis thread, if you had used it <smile>.


The one true and only way of determining when something will happen...

...wear a watch. :)

ana luisa

That's very hard to figure out. Time in itself is not something static and immutable. It depends on many factors including psychological ones. The more you want something to happen, the slower the clock ticks. Have you noticed that when you dream, sometimes the dream feels like it lasted HOURS and if you wake up you've been asleep for only 5 minutes ?
I know for many sitters time is THE issue for them but I never opted for giving dates or estimates myself.