Tarot Certification


Hi Gregory,

First off, I want to say outright that I don't mean to be inflammatory. I'm not saying at all that your readings are somehow less good because you use non-traditional card meanings, and if you got that impression from me, I would like to apologize.

Tarot is a big, messy, subjective subject, and of course there are going to be problems whenever you try to introduce any kind of quasi-objective standards into a practice of this kind. You say, "WHOSE RWS tradition? WHOSE Thoth? There are SO many opinions even within those allegedly set traditions," and I think that to an extent, that's true. However, it's also true that as a general rule, there are certain interpretations for the cards (as is evidenced by the presence of 78 card meaning pages on the Aeclectic website). Of course, there's room for interpretation within the general meanings of those cards--I agree with you that context is king, and that the same card can mean almost antithetical things in different circumstances--but there are still thematic threads that are commonly accepted.
No offence taken, no worries ! But I do feel very strongly that because of the very nature of the beast, there CAN be no objective standard to certify against. there can be no objective standard - nor even any "quasi-objective"one.

Sure there are Thirteen's excellent meanings on this site - as an aid, as much as anything - and note that they actually differ from MANY allegedly "standard" texts.

I am the one who drew 10 Swords for happy marriage - and it made sense to my traditionally minded sitter ! I'd use that to rest my case - but....


I'm another that loves the certs and titles added to my name lol! I know from experience that being certified (or having a degree in certain areas) doesn't mean the person knows more. I had to be certified in my last job and it required passing a set of four different tests. Some of the most knowledgeable and experienced techs could not pass the test, while others that had passed all the test were let go later 'cause they performed badly in the job. Some people test better than others!

I also thought about this question last week and started to research it. I was browsing the Net and saw two tarot readers that advertised as certified. Both were charging more for their readings than their peers advertising on the same site.

IMO, the certification would not make me necessarily trust the certified reader more, for me the years of experience would be de deciding factor . Regardless of experience or certifications, if I did not feel comfortable with the readers abilities I would not use them again.


There is no need for certification, a good Tarot reader is kept busy by recommendations. Tarot competence cannot be regulated because if it were then you are 'remembering' someone else's meanings not 'reading' the cards in front of you. Regulation relies on group standards and consistency but Tarot reading relies on the individual reader's senses and experience.

Flaming Chalice

There are many MANY threads. The big issue is who does the certifying and on what basis.

Here is a list of a few threads about a couple of the places that do (or did ?) this:


and a few other links:

I think one of them may answer your question. :D

On the whole. people here seem to feel it isn't really something that CAN be certified, but that a bit of paper may be useful in some places for legal reasons.


Flaming Chalice

Certification? I’m not really sure this can be done. It’s not like welding or auto repair but more like art and music (I suppose one can be a card carrying member of the Musician’s Union but does that in itself make you a good musician?). So when does one hang up their shingle? Like artists and musicians, there seems to be that long, painful marketing process of “public opinion”. If your music, art, (or readings) are consistently good, people will patronize you, professional or otherwise.

I think this is an excellent point. I just like to study and have some sort of goal in mind. It's looking like no programs out there are really ideal. I tend to be a bit of an intuitive reader, and I'd like some sort of structure to study going further.

Flaming Chalice

How can you do it ? Whose meanings do you accept as "correct" - that kind of thing. Leaving aside (not that I WANT to, but) I - and others like me - could NEVER get certified, ever, as I don't USE generic meanings AT ALL...

Do you do it by feedback ? Whose feedback - you can get all your friends to say you are awesome. It's a minefield, as there isn't, and never can be, a totally accepted body of standard knowledge. as the basis for a reader to have to know.

I have an English degree (a writing and linguistics focus), and I have visual and performance artist friends with MFA's. Does my English degree make me a better writer than self-taught Ray Bradbury? Absolutely not. Are there street artists and self-taught actors and other performers who excel? Absolutely. But degrees mean something. They mean that you've studied and put in your time, that multiple people over the course of your academic degree think that you are competent. It doesn't correlate directly with talent, but it does mean something. This is what I would like from a tarot certification. A little nod that means, "hey, that Chalice knows some stuff." I don't think that a standardized tarot test would be what I want from a certification. Maybe it's not out there yet, but if anyone wants to create a Tarotology degree, I'd be game to study. :)

I appreciate the tenor of this debate that I unwittingly set in motion. Thanks for being civil and answering my question even though you've all discussed this in-depth before. (Please don't hold me up to a higher standard for grammar and usage because of my degree. I like to jot this posts off without too much proofreading!)


" Jot this posts off ..." tut tut ! ;)

You know what I thought when I read that?

If I was at the local market and I wanted a tarot reading and I walked past you and you had 'tarot certification' initials after your name, or a tarot 'diploma on your sign or table - I'd keep going.

If you had a sign up saying tarot reader with your real credentials and letters after your name I would think "they mean that you've studied and put in your time, that multiple people over the course of your academic degree think that you are competent. It doesn't correlate directly with talent, but it does mean something" and sit down for a reading.

I would ! - but thats just me .


I feel sorry for all of you non-certified people. You're mere nobodies. You're nothing!

I, on the other hand, have a Tarot certificate that names me Grand Master of the Psychotic Order of Azure Truth and Certified Strategic Tarot Therapist, given by none other that the Tarot Certification Board of Seven Stars. It's very pretty, and has a golden seal.

I also have a Certificate of Insanity from the illustrious Arkham Asylum for the Insane --courtesy of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society.

In other words: I'm certifiable.

What are your credentials?


You know - I used to work for a doctor. His first degree was in English; mine in Music. We put our certificates on the wall as a joke - and people loved them. he didn't display his medical certificate at all. :)

He was the most popular doctor in the area. Because everyone knew he was HUMAN and liked a joke.

I have a tarot certificate somewhere too. I forget what it says, but there are MANY cats on it....


You know - I used to work for a doctor. His first degree was in English; mine in Music. We put our certificates on the wall as a joke - and people loved them. he didn't display his medical certificate at all. :)

He was the most popular doctor in the area. Because everyone knew he was HUMAN and liked a joke.

I have a tarot certificate somewhere too. I forget what it says, but there are MANY cats on it....

Anything with cats on it should be good enough for ANYBODY... :D