Astrological Reading Methods for Pips


The timing: Rather obvious - but I missed it.

Lots of Batons (Melancholic) = Slow reaction - Long duration.

They both pass to the Queen Swords (Choleric) = Fast reaction - Long duration.

I wonder if this idea of living together came upon them suddenly....?




With so little information it is hard to make an informed judgement on the details. We don't know if timing is even relevant to this situation. As far as we know, these guys met on MySpace and have never actually met face-to-face. (I had a friend who met and talked to a girl online for months. They planned to met up, then at the last moment she confessed that she wasn't 'real', that 'she' was actually a guy. Probably some loser who lives in his parents basement and sits naked in front of his computer all day, petting a chicken!)


Melanchollic said:

With so little information it is hard to make an informed judgement on the details. We don't know if timing is even relevant to this situation. As far as we know, these guys met on MySpace and have never actually met face-to-face.

Well that's pretty funny Mel, and I do have more detail, but really this is just another attempt to understand your reading method, you know. So how much more detail do we need to do this reading?

AFAIK, they are actually lovers, albeit they live about 200 miles apart and meet only one weekend a month. I believe she is ready to go, while he is more "let's see how big this really gets." At the same time, she says he says "we" and "our" a lot.

Good timing would interest her greatly, and frankly, from a methodological perspective -- to see timing in action in your astro method Mel -- it would be quite helpful to us all here. :)


I just started reading Deborah Houlding's houses book, and it's an excellent disinfectant for astrologers who have bought the whole Aries = first house, Taurus = second house thing.

I highly recommend it!