Fifth Tarot -- Elementor of Lotus


Elementor of Lotus (equivalent of King of the new suit of ether)

The image depicts Hathor, an androgynous being that amplifies love and light through sound.

Hathor (ḥwt-ḥr, Egyptian for Horus's enclosure)[1], was an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of love, motherhood and joy.[2] She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt.

"When all is One, there is nothing but the One. All is love; all is light."

"When you have drawn the Elementor of Lotus, you have attained the knowledge and wisdom of the ethers. How does this translate in your daily life--by choosing love and light as your new reality....Investigate sound therapy and vibroacoustic sound tables....Sound is one of the gifts of the Hathor. Let your voice resound with the message of cosmic consciousness."

Recently, this card came up when someone was asking about spiritual practices. Sound (or chanting in her case) is very important in this the strongest card of the suit.

I hear the cosmic hum (or is it my computer?)