Etruscan tarot: Nine of pentacles


Description in booklet: A rich man is preparing for a feast in his own house.

The details of the card are quite amusing. We have a fully clothed man surrounded with pentacles that are arranged in a non-structured nor linear way ... and it appears that as he prepares for a feast, he seems to be dancing.

Our past cards have shown Etruscans dancing to celebrate and enjoy life. Dance was an expression of freedom, joy, grief, competitiveness in the etruscan life. The Etruscan Nine of Pentacles appears at first glance a happy card. The man is prosperous and may have reason to celebrate. Wealth may have grown, careers may have moved up or there is a promise that one's ambitions will truly be met or has been met. Relationships may also be stable because joy may not be felt because of pure financial resources abundance alone. It can also be combined with good relationships.

The Etruscan Suit of Pentacles appears to really be a gratifying suit - Good fortune abounds and as long as it is combined with hard work, patience and perseverance, there will be cause for success and celebration.

The celebration or the feast can have a number of reasons behind - there is gratitude that one has been blessed with the success of a harvest, resources may have increased because hard work has paid off, a goal has been accomplished, engagement or marriage has been confirmed, there is victory in a sports event, a deal has been closed, and what have you.

It is call for celebration - thanking those who helped in the achievement of one's goals, sharing the success and the good news to others. Furthermore, the steps of the man here seems similar to the contortions of our Fool who dances his way to freedom. It is like saying that the Fool's journey is about to be over since he or she has achieved what was sought for.

There are actually some lessons learned when we get the Etruscan Nine of Pentacles --

a) Is it a good time to celebrate success and to whom should we share this success to?
b) How do we define success in our own terms - how do we know we have reached tis state?
c) Whom should we thank and be grateful to?
d) What part did others play in our success, and how have we "returned" the favor?
e) What will be do after this? Are there better and higher goals to achieve, or should we make a change, or take a pause for awhile and just savor and enjoy the moment?

The Etruscan Nine of Pentacles is the moment when we are about to reach a climactic conclusion in so far as goal attainment is concerned.