Projective Synthetic Geometry


Where's Sheldon Cooper when you need him? :D

I hope I haven't started something by reviving this thread, but I don't understand enough to know if you guys are even arguing. Namaste to both. _(|)_ [<--That is my attempt to make namaste hands using punctuation marks]

Well I wasnt arguing but I cant speak for little R.

I have been trying different approaches to answer some of your questions (and other peoples) on variant levels, not judging whose makeup and outlook is valid, I can totally understand that some use their cards 'intuitively'; like to match colour and form or complexicated mathematics :) . These are Tarot cards we are talking about here and some of the best predictive readers got a result from pure intuition by drawing only one card.

Try this :namaste: :)

:kiss: errr. I mean :*


Sure. :)
errrmmmm did you think I was saying string theory is somewhow related to PSG? Or just musing?.......
Somehow it got worked into be thread. I have no idea when or where or by whom. It could be confusing to some readers. Just clearing the air here and there. Technical terminology itself can be confusing. Take the word group, for example. It means one thing in sociology, something quite different in mathematics, and different again in floral arrangements or interior design.
......Not sure what all that snake oil stuff is about. ????
Just a little friendly BS. No more preposterous than quantum jumping from one universe to another (another new-age money-making gimmick, I suppose).

What notable things happened in the 1040s, I wonder?


Hmmm, non-comprendo.

I think I will 'quantum jump' over to the Chariot.