Through the Valley Spread: 5 Cards


Hey, guys! This is the very first spread I've ever made, using five cards.
I made this spread because I was going through some stuff and thought that, maybe I wasn't seeing the whole picture. This spread is to get a firm grasp on what is happening around/inside of you so you can make more informed decisions/necessary changes. I find it really helped me, so I hope it helps you as well. :thumbsup:

Through the Valley:


Card 1: The Opening: You're standing at the entrance to the valley. This card represents you in your current situation; mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

Card 2: The Decision: You want to go through the valley, to reach the other side, but something is holding you back. This card represents the problem, or the something that is stopping you, something you need to face/change in order to move forward.

Card 3: The Trudge: You begin your journey, but it isn't easy. There are constant problems everywhere you look. This card represents what is keeping you in your rut, aiding the problem in card 2.

Card 4: The Guidance: You're nearing the end of the valley, towards the possibility of a better outcome. This card represents suggestions to your problem, something you may need to change in yourself or the way you look at/handle things.

Card 5: The After-effect: You've made it to the end of the valley, and you see the better opportunities there are, and appreciate the learning that was caused by the trudge and by the problems you faced. This card represents the outcome and/or advantages of changing what needs to be changed, attending to what may be going unnoticed, and learning from the situation; all the while bettering yourself and hopefully, giving you some answers and/or insight to your problem.

Thank you for taking some of your time to read this. I hope you all have success with this spread as I have. Cheers~


I really like this spread! It's very well thought-out and seems like a great aid for getting a bird's-eye view of the situation (valley) before you enter it!

I'll give it a go in the next few days.

Thanks for sharing this with us!


Thank you very much! I hope it works well for you. :D If you have any changes or suggestions, I'm open to them! :thumbsup:


I just tried the spread.
Very direct and "to the point" spread, and it is nice with 5 cards - not to many cards and questions which is perfect when you don't have a lot of time 💞👏


I'm glad it worked for you! I personally love blunt spreads--I don't like to beat around the bush too much when it comes to reading for myself. :D