Neo-pythagorism and Tarot : Alain Bougearel's theory


Wonderful, Alain. Thank you.



I know this geometrical ordering of the numbers of trumps, courts and pips for a wile, and consider it a very interting theory.

My question is this: Can there any mathematical resources be named for the presence, discussion and evaluation of this geometric figure, its substructures, and its neo-pythagorean background in the 14th and 15th century?

And is there any historical connection that could be offered to show that such a relation could have any evidence in these times?

Since I am reasearching the problem of the "22" trumps myself right now intensly, I would be very interested...



Yatima said:
I know this geometrical ordering of the numbers of trumps, courts and pips for a wile, and consider it a very interting theory.

My question is this: Can there any mathematical resources be named for the presence, discussion and evaluation of this geometric figure, its substructures, and its neo-pythagorean background in the 14th and 15th century?

And is there any historical connection that could be offered to show that such a relation could have any evidence in these times?

Since I am reasearching the problem of the "22" trumps myself right now intensly, I would be very interested...



The answer is that each element (triangular, square, pyramidal numbers) of the arithmological structure is known since at least the XIth-XIIth centuries the West and is present in the hellenical tradition of Byzantium.
Now, the complete structure is known since Nicomaque of Gerase (II century)(Alexandrian civilisation ) and his followers .
The only historical connections I've found are :
-presence of the Basileus of Byzantium in Milano in the years 1424-25
-Congress of Ferare-Firenze of 1438-39
-arrival in Northen Italy of Byzantium scholars and foundation of the Florentine Academy.
