"The sperm's journey" -Prologue to "The heroes journey" ?


Hello there, new forum member waving her hand to all of you! =)
Gosh...there are SO many topics already covered in so many different ways, I feel it's going to take me ages just to get through the old stuff. So much being said already, so I don't want to be too repetetive...but from what I found I have not yet seen anyone mention this little sub-story of the trumps...let's see what you think of it!

((Btw, I was completely oblivious to the tarot (including astrology, quabala, magick etc etc) up until about the beginning of january this year, when I decided to get myself a pack of tarot cards for the sake of reflection upon psychological archetypes (and yes, out of pure curiosity, I had never seen a pack of tarot cards IRL before!). I browsed the net a bit and found lots of sources saying the Thoth tarot is NOT a good beginners deck because it is too complex, a beginner should just get a "nice" deck with lots of pretty pictures of people doing straight forward stuff...to me that was only advertising in favour of the Thoth. And I really couldn't stand the cartoonish pictures on the Rider-Waite style decks...so the choice was easy...and I don't regret it at all! I even got the book of Thoth and read it, with NO prior knowledge of magick...lol...I probably understood even less then I would admit but I think I should get some credit for effort! And it did get me hooked -now I HAVE to learn more!))

Sorry, I digress...now to the main post. Now keep in mind this is just a game for inspiration…and I don’t mind if you think I’m a bit perverted or a bit of a biology-nerd…so! I was pondering over the trumps the other day and the hero’s journey. There are different versions of it, but some say that the Fool, the zero is the moment of birth, and the trumps to come are the successive stages of personal development of the child. I looked at it and thought "hmm...but what happened before that?" Then I glanced over at the Devil card; the erect phallus and the sperm-filled testicles...aha!

So here it goes, the Sperm's journey:

Atu XV The Devil:
The sperm is formed in the goat’s testicles through the process of sexual cell-division or meiosis; though this division, the sperm is separated from the “garden of Eden-ish” state of wholeness, by only possessing half the number of chromosomes of a human. The Y-chromosomes are now different and separated from the X-chromosomes, and they long to be reunited, but find themselves trapped, at the feet of the devil. There is no turning back into the wholeness that once was, the only release is through the eye of Shiva (phallus).

Atu XVI The Tower:
The violent ejaculation of the sperm from the burning tower. This for most of the sperm is a plunge into death and oblivion. At the bottom of the tower is a frightening mouth (yoni) that seems to devouver and consume anything that comes in it’s path. But yet, it is straight into these unknown territories that the sperm must go in search of salvation.

Atu XVII The Star:
As the mouth closes up behind, there is not much rest for the traumatized sperm. It can now see the egg, huge and planet-like in the far way distance…but the task seems daunting, the road seems endless… But then there is a sudden realization of hope! Through the rhythmic guidance of the female orgasm, the sperm is pulled upwards towards the light, spiralling up, up, towards the round egg.

Atu XVIII The Moon:
But the sudden realization of hope and the helping hand of the Star does not last very long. The womb is a dark and treacherous place. Most of the sperm die of exhaustion or get lost in the many traps and dead ends. This is the darkest part of the whole journey and it might even end here, through the cancellation by menstruation. In the best of worlds, from the thousands of sperm that began the journey, one single hero will make it all the way. At such a gloom prospect, the veiling darkness acts as mercy for the unknowing, struggling sperm.

Atu XIX The Sun:
The final step of the journey and the fertilization of the egg. The summit is reached, the sperm has secured it’s place inside the walls of the egg-cell. The two twins (egg and sperm) are now united in a joyus dance!

Atu XX The Aeon:
Growth and development of the child in the uterus of the mother. There are three dormant egg-cells sleeping close to the womb (in the ovaries), symbolizing the seeds (eggs) of coming cycles.

Atu XXI The Universe:
Birth of the child into a new universe (through the yoni). The embryonic water flows out from all corners. The old, known universe is left, and on the other side shines the light from the new sun. The new worlds seems mysterious and paradoxical (the moebius strip). The baby now steps on the snake’s mouth that once devouvered it, to push it’s way out.

The End…and the Beginning.

Comments..? :)



would that make Temperance/Art the act of union that summoned forth the sperm?

this would then mean that the Death card, naturally enough, is the end of the prior incarnation, and Art is the beginning of the next one, through coition, ignited by the 'chemistry' that two people have together.


Yes, yes, of course! :-D This is what I love about the Tarot, there is just endless stories to be told, layers upon layers! Art as the act of union…the two merging as one, almost as if there was just one body, I think that’s beautiful. And the Death card as the end of one generation, or rather, the transformation from one generation to the next...wonderful! It made me think of something else too, perhaps a bit far fetched, but I noticed before that there is a connection between the Lovers and the Devil. In Thoth, the Lovers is a symbol for analysis, the alchemical process of breaking things down to their constituent parts (correct me if I’m wrong here). But I’ve also heard the Lovers card being about choice, or discernment, which can be seen another aspect of the same concept –you have to analyse before you can make a choice. One of the things the Devil stands for is separation (as depicted by the meiosis in the cell). Separation and analysis are closely related I think. Also the Devil is number 15, 1+5=6, which is the Lovers! So what is my point in this? Well, I was thinking, maybe the Devil can be seen as another type of choice to be made, not a choice that rejects one in favour of the other, but perhaps more like a fork in the road? One way is to continue the spiritual journey yourself, and the other is to bring forth the next circle/generation through the child. I think the Devil is suitable to symbolize this fork in the road as it fits with the idea of the Devil as the one who will not serve god, but wants to be a god himself. So instead of completing (ending) the cycle of life and rebirth (as in the eastern concept), he commits the “carnal sin” or “original sin” that perpetuates mankind’s separation from god (by keeping us here on earth). Neat!

Aaw, that’s sweet, calling me a liar to make me feel talented! ;-)) Lol! No seriously, I didn’t know this connection had already been made, but it would have surprised me if it hadn’t, since it is such a universal, human “theme”. Wow, that’s a really nice card! I have seen a few of the Maat cards and have it listed as a “want to have” deck, but I had not seen the sun (not that I can recall). Damn, now I really want to get that deck! But I really think I shouldn’t confuse myself too much yet, still so much in the Thoth to get my head around. I notice that the astrology is lunar based. I think that’s nice, but it will have to wait.
The thoth Hermit you ask? Well…*shrugs*, he comes along much earlier in the story and I suppose I see him more as the “solitary practicioner”, perhaps in the teenage years *wink, wink* ;-)


Love this stuff. Thanks Craxie :)
There are a zillion ways to lay out the cards and look at them; on the Tree of Life.' on an astrological wheel ( ;) ) , the Fools Journey - however you set it up.

I feel these uses of Thoth Tarot actually outweigh the use of it for divination.


As a former student of a late student of one of the last students of Aleister Crowely, you understand and illustrated perfectly the miracle of the Mass, in as much as you consider the sperm the simple base primary manifestation of the willpower behind the verb "SHALL BE."


Hello brightcrazystar!
...I did what now? Please elaborate what you mean!
So in a spiritual kind of way, you are Crowleys grandson then (or granddaughter)? Wow!

ravenest said:
I feel these uses of Thoth Tarot actually outweigh the use of it for divination.
I agree! But then again, I'm not really qualified to say, as divination (if you mean fortune-telling) was not a reason for me to get the tarot in the first place. I have played around with some spreads, but so far I am gaining plenty just through the study of the cards. I plan to look into the opening of the key operation at some point though.