Your very first experiences with your very first deck


That is so terribly sad. Are you still in touch with her now?


I went over to my boyfriend's office between him seeing clients and we started fooling around. (Now that I think about it, fooling, Fool is the first card...) Right before I left, I just said, "I'm going to go buy a tarot deck." We're both atheists, so it was a little weird, but he said okay and asked me if I needed money. So I went and got some. I've always been drawn to tarot even though I didn't really believe in it, so I figured it was just something I needed to get out of my system. But then it actually worked and I got meaningful answers. It's been an important part of my life ever since.


That is so terribly sad. Are you still in touch with her now?

Talking to me? If so, no. Not really. We lost touch after I went to college. I've heard she is pretty much like her mum now.


I started in April. My first and only deck is Starseed Sirian. I remember reading for my husband, I did the one card deck and I had to use the guide book and another Tarot book. After a month or so of drawing one card a day I finally moved on to 3 deck spread.


My first experience with tarot was a year out from graduating high school. I was always a seeker and I would furtively linger in the "New Age" aisle of the bookstore, half afraid and half defiantly. I would peek at the decks and walk by them craning my neck back for a glimpse. One day I just decided that's it! I'm going for it and marched right up to them and picked out the Ancestral Tarot deck. I spent many hours poring over the images and reading the little book for the deck. I even gave readings to my nervous mother with it. Then there was a long period after that when I turned away from the tarot. I had to resolve my inner conflicts, what I'd been taught vs. what I believed to be true for myself. I never could bring myself to get rid of it though. I'm happy that I still have this deck. :)


I forgot the deck I used, i sold it off as soon as I bought a better deck, but I did a reading for my friend, it was a simple three card spread and it was 4oS and 7oS I forgot the middle one, but it was a positive cup card,
4 of cups, she has been worrying and losing sleep over something trivial and quite unnecessary.
some sort of cups card that showed a positive "Present" for her.
7oS be careful of those who would wish to cause you harm or theft. This is a card of warning.

I was in the beginning of my tarot journey, so it wasn't really good,
however I did get the Past/Present correct.
I asked the cards "How are things for A's Job?" seeing as she was interviewing and trying out for this job, in the end, she got the job and that is how the cups card went.
I haven't spoken to her in months so I don't know how the 7oS warning played out. ^shrugs^
It was an awesome reading though.