Sitters that take readings too personally?


La Razia,

Traté de enviarle por correo electrónico, pero su buzón de correo electrónico está lleno.

Usted no está solo! Le entiendo.

Por favor, pudiste escribirme en ingles? Mi español es horrible.



This kind of situation not only happens for tarot card readers, but in anything dealing with services to people! People, clients, customers, etc. will get upset if they don't find your service suitable for their needs. And knowing how the online world works, people are usually more outspoken and can be quite rude online sometimes. Things typed online can be easily misunderstood because the tone of voice and facial gestures are not there. Unless you use emoticons :)

Perhaps you could have said "Sorry, but I don't see any hauntings. So perhaps it could be a non-paranormal problem. It could have just been something in your home that needs fixing perhaps. I suggest you have your house inspected by a local repair agency first, and have any physical problems fixed in your house. If the haunting still happens afterwards, then feel free to message me again and I'll see what I can help you with."

Maybe you didn't patiently listen to her concerns, and provide a solution for her needs. You just said "SORRY, BUT..." and that can be taken very rudely, especially from a querant you're reading for who wants your guidance and expertise on a matter.

But if she's very upset and offended by your reading, so much that she's ignoring wherever you're active, and telling people how bad you're reading, and it's impacting your reputation on that site, and could eventually lead you to feeling unwelcomed there, then that's when I think you should tell a moderator.

Maybe this has nothing to do with your actual reading skills, and perhaps you read just fine. It could be just your online voice is being misunderstood, or your approach to how you inform your querants needs improvement. Always look for things that you can learn from, and if you make a mistake, don't be dreary and quit and say I will never do it again! Just smile and say I learned something, so I'm going to do it better next time. And since it's online, it's not like you'll ever meet that member in person anyways. What's there to be afraid about?
Completely agree with this that it happens in not just tarot reading but any service industry!

Which reminds me of this time when I went to a tarot reader with a friend who wanted to ask about her love life and the reader read the cards and told her that she is a high maintenance girl and would only go out with someone who is above certain social class. Knowing her so well I knew this was spot on but my friend refused to acknowledge this and said the tarot reader wasn't accurate...


hi I can relate to what you're saying and personally concluded there'll always be a small minority who will respond in this manner without being evoked and some will have hidden motives. That said I'm pretty good at getting too personal without realizing it and my readings can take on a blunt, critical tone coming from my own lack of self-esteem and false attempt to bolster myself. I'm not suggesting this applies to you however.

Because we're looking 'from' ourselves not 'at' ourselves we completely miss what everyone else sees, hears and responds to. I've found it helpful to look back on readings as I'm developing noting tones, attitudes, delivery etc.

Using hindsight we gain foresight and that would be a pretty wicked vision :thumbsup: