Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 161 : August 30th - September 6th

Rose Lalonde

Roots of Asia Tarot

Last week I mostly looked through the cards (and used my German classes from years ago on the LWB), but I've since had a chance to do readings.

This will sound out of left field, but in one way Roots of Asia reminds me of Tarot of the Origins -- not because they have anything in common thematically, but because both reply to a question in a way that renders the question far less important than the broader themes that underlie it.

Roots of Asia references the Pali suttas and redirects back to the querent's state of mind and heart. When I ask it about moving to a new city, I get a reminder about impermanence and the effects of the 5 hindrances. It points to the inner world as the place to focus.

I don't think it's the best choice if a querent's looking for direct advice about something like how to get a promotion at work (unless they're okay with an answer that includes the relative unimportance of a promotion in the grand scheme of things), but it is a great deck for encouraging spiritual practice. I'm a Theravada Buddhist, and my teachers have mainly been from Thai and Sri Lankan traditions, so the Thai perspective in this deck fits into context. I imagine it might be like a Christian reading with cards that referenced the 10 Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. It's good to have a deck that offers reminders from the Pali canon, and a beautiful one at that! I'm so glad I got a copy.


I'm in this week with Victorian Fairy.


Rose and M.Squee, I've enjoyed reading your thoughts on this week's decks.

I'm using Sacred Sites this week, I keep it more for blogging with than real readings, I "don't get out of town much" as the saying goes here, so to use it in readings I wouldn't have a clue about most of these sites, but they are fun to look up and learn about, one at a time.

Last year I finally got around to working with the thoth in a deep immersion manner, and it changed how I view RWS decks in general, and it is still having repercussions a year later. Most of them are a big yawn now and it doesn't make me very happy. Can't change what's done though...


So I've been studying the TdM lately, and I worked with the Noblet this week. I don't think that poor deck stood a chance. I so enjoyed the Dodal that I spent a full 3 weeks with it, and I only switched because I felt like I should explore other TdMs.

Well, I spent all week thinking of how I don't like the cards as much as the Dodal, lol. I love the Noblet backs, and the small size, but I prefer the Dodal images 100%.

I think, from here on, my deck of the week will be RWS-based, and I'll continue to study the Dodal indefinitely.


I've been really sensitive lately, and Victorian Fairy was just what I needed. The message still gets across, but lands constructively. I find the images speak more to the message of the card's meaning and makes me look outside the rote meaning. It's early here and I hope this makes sense. It's been a hard summer for me and I need to find inner strength to keep everything going just a little longer (school, work, internship, family, etc.).