Weirdest reading ever...advice??


So, long story short, I took my friend to visit a reader today. Apparently, she's regionally famous (I've never heard of her) and comes to town every year on Labor Day. She was booked solid for the whole day at this little metaphysical shop in our city. I was sitting in the small waiting area for my friend and this woman (probably 70ish) came out, stopped, turned and looked at me...and stared.

She said, "you have an appointment?" I told her no that I was just waiting for a friend. She asked me to come back to with her. She asked me if I had an important question for her...and I don't know why but I just blurted out "Who am I meant to be?". She smiled and said that was the right question.

Then she had me shuffle, and she drew 3 cards (Ace of Wands, 10 of Wands, 4 of Cups)...then said that I am to remember those cards and they will answer my question in time. wth.

and that was that. I don't have any idea what happened there and how those 3 cards are supposed to answer my "Who am I meant to be?" question...or why I even asked that question in the first place.

So anyone have anything weird like that happen? And should I just think on those cards a while and see what comes up? Totally confused.


Yeah, that is a little weird. I'm not even going to try to interpret that for you, but I had a thought. You could print out a copy of each card and hang them together on your mirror. That way, it'll remind your subconscious to work on it. Then the answer might come "in time."


Yeah, that is a little weird. I'm not even going to try to interpret that for you, but I had a thought. You could print out a copy of each card and hang them together on your mirror. That way, it'll remind your subconscious to work on it. Then the answer might come "in time."

That's a good idea! Thanks. I'm glad you thought it was weird too. I have ZERO connection to those cards...if I could name a suit that I'm least connected to/excited about it would be Wands...and 4 of Cups?! meh. I don't know. I hope it comes in time.


Question.... Did she know you read cards?


1. She's picked up from somewhere that you read.

2. She wanted you to read for her.

3. She had one too many cocktails at lunch.

Which one could it be?

As for the cards.. They seem to be indicating the direction of exciting to becoming overwhelmed to giving up. Well.... Your cards described ME to a T. Does this make any sense to your life as well? :confused:


1. She's picked up from somewhere that you read.

2. She wanted you to read for her.

3. She had one too many cocktails at lunch.

Which one could it be?

As for the cards.. They seem to be indicating the direction of exciting to becoming overwhelmed to giving up. Well.... Your cards described ME to a T. Does this make any sense to your life as well? :confused:

lol...the only outward sign that I gave that I could think of was when I saw the cards, I kind of gave a "well-that-is-not-very-exciting" kind of face. She didn't ask me to interpret the cards there. She just said to remember them and I would know in time. I have no idea....and she was strange but I wouldn't say drunk-strange. hahaha.


As for the cards.. They seem to be indicating the direction of exciting to becoming overwhelmed to giving up. Well.... Your cards described ME to a T. Does this make any sense to your life as well? :confused:

I guess a little but I wouldn't see it as "starting something new, becoming overwhelmed and then giving up". I'm more of a "Oooooh something shiny!! Wish it was shinier. Stupid thing is barely shiny at all" kind of person.....*shrugs*

I guess, I can kind of see it, now that I write it out. I'm a loser. :( I get super excited about stuff, then it becomes a pain in the ass, then I'm like eff it, who wanted it anyway? Sigh.


LOL! You are soooo not a loser please..

Funny thing is, I have started sooooo many projects that I know would be awesome if I would just freakin follow through! :mad:


I guess a little but I wouldn't see it as "starting something new, becoming overwhelmed and then giving up". I'm more of a "Oooooh something shiny!! Wish it was shinier. Stupid thing is barely shiny at all" kind of person.....*shrugs*

I guess, I can kind of see it, now that I write it out. I'm a loser. :( I get super excited about stuff, then it becomes a pain in the ass, then I'm like eff it, who wanted it anyway? Sigh.

Be easier on yourself. I've seen enough of you around here to at least know you're not a loser. :) OK, lecture over.

What an intriguing experience you had though!

I like the idea of putting those cards up somewhere where you might see them regularly. Over time, you may see something in them that you don't see just now. I would guess that someone/something--call it by whatever name resonates--had a message for you, and chose this means to get it into your hands. It'll make sense at some point, and I'll bet it's not as negative as you're making it out to be at this moment.

I know if it were me, I'd probably pull those cards from a wide variety of decks to see what came to mind looking at different versions of them as well. I've had good luck with some more difficult-to-interpret readings when I've later gone back and laid them out with different decks.

But with such an open ended question, I could see where it might be some time before the meaning of this answer takes shape.