Queen of Cups Confusion


hope said:
I like to do a 4-card daily reading about where I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
I do a similar daily spread using elementals, it's very effective. Regarding the frequency of your Queen, I was cruising the tarot spreads index and found this, http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14384 perhaps give this spread a try and see what comes of it. Also regarding the Queen of Cups, this cards qualities are very reflective of the one observing it. Think about your own intuition and apply that to the situation. I sense that you have already answered a lot of the questions you have had about this card. You've hinted on it a few times in this thread. To better understand look within your self. These are just a few of my impressions on the matter. :)


The weekend is here and I have time to visit AT again... First let me say thank you for the input. I've followed the leads you all gave me and then some. I've learned a little bit about scrying, a little bit about elemental dignities, a few new spreads, and I have a much better grip on the Queen of Cups.

Ultimately, a little understanding of elemental dignities probably made the biggest difference. It's helped me get a clearer and deeper understanding of a number of other cards, too.

Thanks again! You are all so awesome! :)

It's a pleasure to part of such a community,


Hello Hope :) Sounds as if things are going well. Congrats! IMO this deck is very well suited for ED's I always use them and feel this gives readings a great deal more depth, sounds as if this has been the case with you. Have a great day.