Conversion to Thoth


Scion said:
The more familiar you are with the images, the more questions you have when you start digging for answers
Ahh, now that's key. ;) But I've found it can be a bit a struggle with some people I've worked with. Instead of letting the images raise questions within their minds, some people bring a heck of lot of baggage with them from other decks.

A fairly recent example from memory:

Me: Ok then, the Devil. What does the imagery suggest to you?

S: Oh, it's all about being chained to obsession and addictions isn't it?

Me: Where do you see that in the card?

S: Well....... erm...... it's sort of...... well.... But that's what this card means. Right?

The Aeon card is a classic too. Quite a few people seem to draw a complete blank and then start talking about the Judgement card in other decks.