Operation Endgame (2010) and the Tarot?


I saw a glimpse (maybe 2-3 minutes) of a movie called "Operation Endgame" today as my partner was flipping channels, and stayed on it for a while until there was a commercial break on the show he was watching. So, I just heard a few of the names (Fool and Magician), and then Emperor, Empress and Temperance. It is quite a low probability for all these words to pop up randomly, I thought, as the protagonist also called someone else "Devil". Then it was clear to me that the characters intentionally bore the names of Tarot cards.
Has anyone seen this movie and is the plot somehow relevant to it as well? I did Google it, but all that came up was that "the characters were named after Tarot cards".


I saw a glimpse (maybe 2-3 minutes) of a movie called "Operation Endgame" today as my partner was flipping channels, and stayed on it for a while until there was a commercial break on the show he was watching. So, I just heard a few of the names (Fool and Magician), and then Emperor, Empress and Temperance. It is quite a low probability for all these words to pop up randomly, I thought, as the protagonist also called someone else "Devil". Then it was clear to me that the characters intentionally bore the names of Tarot cards.
Has anyone seen this movie and is the plot somehow relevant to it as well? I did Google it, but all that came up was that "the characters were named after Tarot cards".

It looks like from reviews to be an action comedy where agents kill each other in gruesome ways, including using office supplies. Apart from having Tarot names there doesn't seem to be any other connection.