Video suggestions?


That's a good tip TB. I had to do a PowerPoint presentation for one of my classes with a recorded voice-over. It was supposed to be a simple 5-minute run time, and reading through my speaker's notes didn't take very long, but once I was done recording my speech to the PowerPoint, the entire thing ended up being 40 minutes long! I had to edit to try to make it more concise. Ultimately my professor gave me full credit even though it was outside the parameters of the grading rubric, simply because she fully expected that no one would find enough to say to go along with their presentation (for usual fears of speaking in public). LOL Once I was speaking though, I clearly found more than enough to say, so if you end up becoming comfortable speaking (or recording your voice onto video), make sure you also keep it precise and concise for your audience! :D

Maybe you could set yourself a standard to trial-and-error through? Perhaps, target yourself to spend about 30 seconds speaking about each card? Also, another piece of advice from business school: BLOT! (That is, put your Bottom Line On Top!) Get right to the point from the start of each card, and then feather out a bit with explanation from there to help you transition into the next one where you put the bottom line meaning on top... just some thoughts! :)


Speaking is more than 'saying words out loud,' and people who don't have to speak for a living (like actors) sometimes forget that 'you need to speak much more slowly than you think' for someone to understand you. The best example I can think up off the top of my head is to dig out a copy of the 1940 film 'His Girl Friday' which was directed to be spoken without any pauses so the second someone finished a word the next person started - if you laughed at a joke you missed the next 5 lines! They say that if you took the movie and spoke the lines 'normally' - meaning with pauses, intonation, nuances, etc., that the 92 minute film WOULD TAKE OVER 3 HOURS!

That said - if you are discussing someone's reading you should also be handling the cards - pointing something out, explaining something they need to understand, etc., - all these things take time! People are not tape (showing my age) recording devices.

When I was filmed for interviews this past Labor Day weekend there was no script, no director or producer - there was just I - and I filled the entire time speaking about what I did because I know from experience how to 'stretch out' dialogue to fill the space (or compress it, if needed).... but I never turned 5 minutes of dialogue into a 40-minute presentation! :cool3:


Divinationery is more of a deck review channel, but I think Beth does an occasional reading.


...but I never turned 5 minutes of dialogue into a 40-minute presentation! :cool3:

:laugh: I ended up being more passionate about the work than I originally intended, I think. :p