Finding/(looking for) a new job spread (how/when)


I am looking for spreads for people looking for a job for a while now and getting quite desperate.

I would like an advice-prone spread, with some clues how to find, where to look, help to receive, obstacles, what are they doing wrong, and maybe some timing.


Hi daphne. I'm still new to reading Tarot, but I'm also interested in this type of thread. I'll give you my thoughts on it and you can let me know if they help. I'm still at the stage of keep it simple, with only a 3 or 4 card spread. How about something like this?

Card #1 - What is the main issue blocking me right now?

Card #2 - What do I need to do to clear this issue or these issues?

Card #3 - Which line of work should I look at? This could open up ideas regarding whether the querent should stay in the same line of work or look for a change.

Card #4 - Outcome if (s)he follows the steps or advice from cards 1-3


Just threw this down just now to help with collegesque things but it still applies.


1- The tie in card. This card is what you should keep in mind throughout the reading. I personally read it as my current situation
2- Your dislikes. Things you try to avoid.
3- Your likes. Things you enjoy doing. What makes you happy.
4- Where your skills, well... Lack. For example, mine was patience. Haha.
5- Where you excel. Talents. It could be people music working on your own etc
6- The sum. May represent a possible vocation, a course of action, or a piece of advice.

Natalies cards could also be brought in for more insight in regards to actions. It would definitely be a potent combo :D

Glass Owl

Work Spread For The Down And Out (7) by Amanda_04

A Modified version of my Waiting For The Ring Spread: Waiting For A Job Spread by Glass Owl


1. What does the querent need to know about him/herself as a worker?
2. What does the querent need to know concerning their employment situation?
3. What may increase the probability of the querent finding a job in the next __ months?*
4. What may decrease the probability of the querent finding a job in the next __ months?*
5. What should the querent do while looking for employment? (advice)
6. What should the querent NOT do while looking for employment? (advice)
*You can use a time frame of your own choosing.

And while not specifically about finding a new job, you may also like:

The All-Purpose Compass Spread by Glass Owl (6)


Thanks for posting my spread Glass Owl! But that link isn't working (for me at least?)

Here is the link to the spread and my own reading I did with it when I created it. If you'd like, I can try to help you interpret your own cards with this spread, or you can tell me what you don't like about it, and I can try to alter it to more suitably fit your situation. :)


These look great, thank you!

I will make a combo of them.


Thank you, Amanda, for posting that link. It has very nice little spreads indeed. Blessings,
