An amusing auction...

Little Baron

As I said in a recent thread, I don't know much about this Ms Cleo woman and only saw the deck recently. I can see the resemblance though. I quite like the font and bright colour of the cards though .. even though it is probably not one I would purchase.



I agree the designs..the Chariot...well, do look different

Based on La Tarot Divinatoire by Papus from 1909...maybe earlier?

Not a popular style of tarot. Lo Scarabeo has a 22 major 'art version' that redraws some of the designs...and I can still safely say Papus' La Tarot Divinatoire is not my favorite Egyptian-style design

Perhaps there is a blessing in some things that fade away...

My limited scope only...I haven't been able to obtain an English translation of Papus "Divinatory Tarot" or "Tarot Divination" with the pictures.

