Fairy Lights 5 Swords.


I really like this card image however the little pigs and the apples on the ground and in the tree are interesting if not a little puzzling. I am trying to relate this image to the lwb meaning, so picking battles, is this referring to the pigs and a possible conflict of interest with the food. One pig will have to stand down, not worth fighting as might get injured, not fare well, loosing face, credibility or respect, injured pride. A whole Apple tree, is it worth fighting for? Don't know a lot about pigs and their nature, they are linked to intelligence though. I think the pig coming in from the bottom fore ground is the one having to assess the situation, and challenge the other possibly. I think he is munching, so he will be thinking about building himself up for conflict
And I get the feeling that to walk away from such gain will be hard, but safer to do so.

Just interested to hear others perspectives. I really love this image.


I'm not feeling like the conflict is between the pigs - it's more to be like the pigs in the image, and the "pick your battles" is regarding choosing the readily available apples on the ground, rather than struggle for those in the tree.


Ok so I see how you would think that. The pigs threw me a little and I wasn't sure if the had been used because of some implication to there temperament. But I can see where your coming from and from the perceived unattainable fruit in the tree and the fruit on the ground I see this card in a much gentler was than before now.