Three of Wands in love?

Girl Archer

deck-hanson roberts deck.

I see a guy, standing with one hand firmly on a staff and surrounded by two other wands. He is looking off into the distance, and since we can only see his back, we dont know what he is thinking about. He seems to be on an island or coast or some piece of land close to the sea.

So clearly he is a traveller, perhaps merchant? Feels like he has a lot on his mind and maybe not exactly the most romantic card of all... However, it feels like he could be full of surprises, because he stands with his back to me? For all we know, he could be planning a triumphant victory home and along with that, a few surprise gifts for the people back home, and could be smiling thinking of their reaction?

Does one read three of wands as secretive, maybe with commitment issues?you never know where you stand with a three of wands guy? He could take off any time? What IS the three of wands guy like? In love/as a lover? Fling or ring material?


I would say that someone personified by the three of wands is basically on the fence about the relationship or where their passions lie. He's scanning the horizon, looking out for (better?) prospects. If already committed, the 3 of wands might hint at some restlessness, but other cards in the spread would be able to tell you more.


All or Nothing

What IS the three of wands guy like? In love/as a lover? Fling or kring material?
You missed the most important point, which is that he's usually viewed as gazing out at the sea either watching the ships he sent out go over the horizon, or waiting for the ships he sent out to come back with good news of their discoveries and trade. His back isn't turned to be a mystery to us, or because he's planning anything, or hoping to surprise anyone. Rather, he's waiting to see if the energy he invested (wands = energy) in this endeavor are going to pay off. This is why you don't see his face--because his entire focus is on that investment; no one and nothing else matters. His back is turned to all but that one thing that got his energy (3 breaks the ambiguous 2 and creates stability and focus).

And being that he did invest his energy in this, utterly and completely, he's likely pretty sure that it will pay off. He may feels some excitement, some relief that the ships are gone over the horizon and on their way--or are appearing on the horizon and coming home. The energy he sent out is returning (3 = development), and he hopes that he will get back three-times as much as he gave.

I think that tells you what he's like. He doesn't invest his energy in anyone randomly or foolishly, and certainly not on a whim or frivolously. He gives to another when and if he thinks he's going to get back as much as he gives, and then he gives of himself completely. No hesitation, no reservations. It's all or nothing. If you're interested in this guy, you'd better be serious and willing to totally commit. He won't even consider a relationship otherwise.


I think that tells you what he's like. He doesn't invest his energy in anyone randomly or foolishly, and certainly not on a whim or frivolously. He gives to another when and if he thinks he's going to get back as much as he gives, and then he gives of himself completely. No hesitation, no reservations. It's all or nothing. If you're interested in this guy, you'd better be serious and willing to totally commit. He won't even consider a relationship otherwise.
"LIKE" wish I could write like this...(what I was going to write)will make initial investment and see if it pays off, will walk away if it does not.


"LIKE" wish I could write like this...(what I was going to write)will make initial investment and see if it pays off, will walk away if it does not.
:D I like yours better, Pam. Succinct. Which I can't ever seem to be ;) Your one sentence says it all.


You missed the most important point, which is that he's usually viewed as gazing out at the sea either watching the ships he sent out go over the horizon, or waiting for the ships he sent out to come back with good news of their discoveries and trade. His back isn't turned to be a mystery to us, or because he's planning anything, or hoping to surprise anyone. Rather, he's waiting to see if the energy he invested (wands = energy) in this endeavor are going to pay off. This is why you don't see his face--because his entire focus is on that investment; no one and nothing else matters. His back is turned to all but that one thing that got his energy (3 breaks the ambiguous 2 and creates stability and focus).

And being that he did invest his energy in this, utterly and completely, he's likely pretty sure that it will pay off. He may feels some excitement, some relief that the ships are gone over the horizon and on their way--or are appearing on the horizon and coming home. The energy he sent out is returning (3 = development), and he hopes that he will get back three-times as much as he gave.

I think that tells you what he's like. He doesn't invest his energy in anyone randomly or foolishly, and certainly not on a whim or frivolously. He gives to another when and if he thinks he's going to get back as much as he gives, and then he gives of himself completely. No hesitation, no reservations. It's all or nothing. If you're interested in this guy, you'd better be serious and willing to totally commit. He won't even consider a relationship otherwise.

"LIKE" wish I could write like this...(what I was going to write)will make initial investment and see if it pays off, will walk away if it does not.

I like both of these is like the full story, the other is like the Cliff's Notes. And both are so incredibly helpful to this "long time trying to read with TdM's and just came back to RWS " type of reader. Thank you both!


Could mean he's
-single and looking
-planning a proposal
-planning a brake-up speech
-mulling things over
-about to reveal his decision/plans
-a negotiator rather than "my way or the highway" types
-a director
-someone protective (watched out for others, watches over others though they may not know it)


I only see 3 wands as meaning that he made the first move and now he is waiting to see where that move will take him. But he knows that something has to happen. Let me explain it this way. A guy is going to meet a hot girl at a bar.

1 wands = he is all alone in the bar kind of bored. And then he sees this hot girl walk by. Now he is sexually aroused.

2 wands= what is the point of being sexually aroused ALONE? So he muster up the courage to go over to her table and talk to her. After talking to her a bit, he offers to give her his telephone number so maybe he can see her again.

3 wands= After he gets home from the bar, he hopes that the following day she will call him, but he has to wait and see if she ever does. This is the crucial point of having to figure out if the thing you did in the past will pan out to be something great, or fail.

Girl Archer

Thirteen, you are right. I totally missed that bit out, but now that you said it, it totally makes sense. Thank goodness, I don't know anyone like that just yet, this was from a reading that I got, that's all :) Would you say the King of Wands also has this kind of focus, this "all or nothing" attitude in relationships? Because, unlike the Knight, the king is said to be less flighty in relationships, right?

Pam, your interpretation was pretty concise and to the point. Thanks :)

Miss Aries, thanks for your take on it. Much appreciated :) although, I do want to know, how do you get that thing about the guy being a negotiator?

Girl Archer

Let me explain it this way. A guy is going to meet a hot girl at a bar.

1 wands = he is all alone in the bar kind of bored. And then he sees this hot girl walk by. Now he is sexually aroused.

2 wands= what is the point of being sexually aroused ALONE? So he muster up the courage to go over to her table and talk to her. After talking to her a bit, he offers to give her his telephone number so maybe he can see her again.

3 wands= After he gets home from the bar, he hopes that the following day she will call him, but he has to wait and see if she ever does. This is the crucial point of having to figure out if the thing you did in the past will pan out to be something great, or fail.

Gee, what a fun and innovative way of explaining the card :)