Eight of Wands


In DuQuette's book it talks about four hands, two from each side of the card appear from the clouds, could someone clear this up for me, because I cannot see this......Maybe share some of your knowledge on this card.


The hands are part of the original Golden Dawn design for this card. DuQuette included those descriptions so that the reader could see how those original designs influenced the creation of the Thoth deck.


This card has been a base card in many Thoth readings for a while.

I have seen references to this card as:

Swift action over short periods of time. An end to delays. News, communications, letters. There is a need for tact, and to act cautiously and not impulsively. Hope of change for the better. When this card falls upright, it signifies that the choices that have been made will be most fortunate for the individual.

I have received no news, communication or letters but do believe I am making choices for the better although not on impulse. The stage I'm in at the moment is more suitable to Aeon rather than 8 of Wands so I was wondering what other's experience of this card may be.


caridwen said:
I have received no news, communication or letters
E-mails? Telephone calls? Travel - especially by air? An adrenaline rush of some kind? Also, rapid progress toward a goal. The GD describes it as "explosive energy suddenly applied and quickly expended." Other sources suggest commercial transactions - ebay?



Sometimes it could also represent a short yet sinfully lusty affair.


I have always felt that when this card appears well dignified it indicates that if you act quickly you may be able to create or cash in on a good opportunity. It signals change and while the overall mood of your life may resemble the Aeon, perhaps this could have been brought about by a sort of 8 of Wands(ish) situation. One where you had to act quickly perhaps. It's like you have been focused on a goal for some time and something comes up unexpectedly that can give you a boost to complete your task. I don't know. It's late and I'm babbling... did that make any sense?


sweet_intuition said:
Sometimes it could also represent a short yet sinfully lusty affair.
I love the way you put this! And I can see what you mean. Yet it's interesting that such an affair would be described by Mercury in Sagittarius, which seems so much more mental and philosophical. That's why I relate it to the adrenalin/seratonin rush experienced in such affairs - and not, necessarily, to the lusty part. To me, it's more about the *high* experienced in sexual and romantic encounters than in the sex itself. Given supporting cards, it can even suggest addiction to those kinds of brain chemistry rushes that result in crashes after the high is gone. OTOH, it can be just the boost you need, as mooiedragon points out, to cash in on something. All depends on the surrounding cards and how you perceive this one at the moment.



Now you know, I have always seen the 8 of wands or clubs or whatever as a quick short love affair. When I get this card in a reading for myself I think first off, Oh Boy a quickie. BUT!! The only quickie I see, is the way something of passion explodes and comes to the surface ie my temper, lol. Seriously,depending on what I am asking about will determine that 8 of wands. Usually it is the speed of which the subject will happen or resolved.



8 of wands

Does anyone know what the significance of the rainbow is in this card?

I have a great passion for rainbows and anything rainbow coloured - they make me really happy.

I am doing a course on Thoth at the moment and enjoying it very much. I picked this card as my favourite because of the rainbow.

I see it as being a card of openness and honesty, of being secure in yourself to be open and honest with other people

feedback appreciated!

blackbird x



The rainbow symbolizes a covenant with god and the road to heaven. If you like rainbows so much, then why don't you check out my website? I designed a Golden Dawn/Thoth-styled deck that is totally based on the rainbow.