Merging tarot with oracles


I've read this being done. So, who has done this? And what are you results? Does this combination give more of an in depth meaning to a question, answer, and advice?


I have done this for several years now, and I love the results. Sometimes I have to experiment a bit to see which tarot and oracle work well together. I find that the oracle card can expand, clarify or summarize the reading. To see some examples of deck combinations check my profile; to see some daily one card draws (one tarot, one oracle), check my website blog. I think you should give it a try!:D


Generally I combine Tarot with I Ching or Druid Sticks (a quick way of consulting geomancy). I have found it very helpful.

Though I have experimentally tried other combos, with my most successful being tarot and a deck of medicinal herbs. Not even meant as an oracle but rather for herb identification.


I went to a tarot meetup a few months ago, and among other things we did readings for each other. The fellow who did mine used a tarot deck to do the reading on my question, then pulled oracle cards (an angel deck) to ask for advice on each of the points. It was very beautiful and very powerful.


I've been mixing Tarot and Lenormand for a long long time now, and I usually get great results!


Timely thread! I'm doing my first Tarot and Oracle mix today. I'll be mixing the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn and the Druid Plant Oracle. Weird mix, I know, but I'm hoping that they'll present an interesting duality. One for the urban, modern, faced paced side of things; one for the rural, peaceful, and old side of things. I definitely live my life pulled by both sides of that binary, so I think it will have meaning to me!

I think I'll just do a three card draw, with three cards from each deck.


I don't actually merge the two, but sometimes if I have time up my sleeve I'll pull a single oracle card after a full Tarot reading, just to give them a feel-good positive send-off.


My goodness... So many wonderful results. I'm going to have to try it. Everytime I do myself a tarot reading, I always feel that something is missing. Like there's more than what I'm being told. It's like reading a book, but the book lacks the ending. The final chapter. I'm going to substitute that "void" with oracle decks. But if I expiriment with this merging decks, I'm afraid I won't look back lol.

Thank you everyone for sharing your delightful expiriences. :D