4 of Cups, best mate for *you*?


WalesWoman said:
Ok, but do note * he leans on the tree, as if it sustains him.

Argh. :neutral: :laugh:

Poor ol' tree can't run away either... ;)

I've got to give THAT some thought.


To me this card always signifies someone who *may* think he has it all and refuses to look at what is offered to him, but in fact, somewhere deep inside, he has already allowed a crack to appear. He is thinking, considering, wondering, may not realize what's causing his discontent yet but the uneasiness is there, and sooner than later it will lead to standing up, leaving behind both the silled and the full cups, and hitting the road of the Five.

This crack may serve the querent well sometimes, and recently I saw it this way - the querent was wondering if someone who had it all would be thinking of her, and I said he may not realize he is thinking of *her* yet but he is definitely not in ease anymore. I'm pretty sure she will see something from him, may be not very soon, as there will be the 5,6,7 of Cups to pass, but it will happen.


4 cups often is missing someone
perhaps thinking of a SO


.traveller. said:
Got another one that has me scratching my head and asking WHY?

4 of Cups as a person, specifically representing someone who would be a good partner.

I can come up with qualities like boring and bored, dissatisfied, inert, closed off, but who would want to be with someone like that?
Emotionally stable is the only thing I can come up with for a positive.

Is that all there is? There has to be more, don't you think?
The card is about emotional stabiity. What's the problem with that? Once they form an emotional attachment, that won't change, so they won't go off being unfaithful or becoming emotionally unavailable to you. If stability bores you, then yes, you could be bored by them.


Maybe it is good to just consider the meaning of the suit and number to give you some insight. the suit of cups has to do with emotion, the number 4 is a number of solidity. this is a gross simplification, but you get the idea.


nisaba said:
The card is about emotional stabiity. What's the problem with that?

Who said I had a problem with it? Certainly not I.