The Faeries' Oracle (Froud) - Least Favorite Card


Dark Lady (20)

My least favourite card is the Dark Lady (20).
  1. Emotional atmosphere: something mystical, but in a negative way, as if something bad is going to happen; arrogance, power
  2. Card's symbols: abusing power or knowledge to get what you want, not being open or honest
  3. Mental characteristics: I find the card a bit confusing, it feels as if something is hidden, something I have to watch out for
  4. Spiritual characteristics: a warning for an evil influence, either from outside, or from within yourself
  5. Most uncomfortable: the dark colours and the expression of the dark lady
  6. Appealing: she does have beautiful eyes, although they do make me feel uncomfortable... ;)


Ga wtchal (64)

This was my least favorite card. I wrote this in my journal while doing the exercise last night. Strangely, I resolved some of what bothered me while writing this last night.

"That which you can barely face in your life. A memory. An event. A habit. It hurts too much to look at it full on, so we glance at it hoping to filter out some of the horror and pain involved in dealing with it. One eye looks clearly, the part of you that can face "it" is enough. It is strong enough to deal with it. The physical body cowers, but the spiritual body is resolved, resolute, benignly accepting of the facts. Guilty. Fear. Complex in mental characteristics, and multi-dimensional.

The spiritual characteristics are the acceptance within that comes with facing what you most fear. There is no more down then. You've bottomed. You can accept the situation for what it truly is then. NO need to cower now.

What I find most uncomfrtable about this card is the particular memory/event that it calls to mind for me, which brings out this very behaviour."

To then find out that it reflects my strongest inner conflict was soul-shaking. They're right!

I find it interesting that so many chose the Dark Lady as their least comfortable. The Soul Shrinker I can understand. THe funny thing is to me the Dark Lady is mystery and a form of the High Priestess.

My husband took one look at her and said, "Succubus!" frinning (AH more fae typos, but I will leave it, though it should say grinning). Frinning sounds like something from the Fae dictionary though.

So his response was lust! Interesting, these Faerires~!!


Alissa I also find the Dark Lady as Mysteries & the HP

I pulled her & had very Profound Conection with her the other night of the dark moon.... to me here eyes said you know what I as yet dont know I know :) & her slight smile said that she was aware I didnt yet realise what she was trying to tell me & wasnt angry about it ..

*Wanders OFf pondering about the Dark Lady & her message again *


OOO Silkin, that's awesome! My husband did the exercises too and chose Dark lady as his most appealing. It seems she speaks VOLUMES to him~!

Have you yet puzzled out Her message for you?

Today i pulled Spririt Dancer as my daily fae. Ohhhh, I immediately did some stretching, and then ~danced~ around, posing like her.


LOL Alissa I feel you may be long blond hair & slim & sprightly dancing about like the spirit dancer .. :) If not in reality definalty in the heart :)

As for my message I think I know what it ment but if im wrong then I am sure they will tell me another way :)


It was fairly easy for me to choose which card I felt most uncomfortable out. It is the Soul Shrinker.

1) The atmosphere of this card seems to be sadness and despair. It doesn't feel like violent emotion, just a sort of resigned feeling.

2) I think the physical manifestation of this card would be a time of sadness and depressions.

3) There aren't many symbols that I can see in this card. The figure's expression, the teeth, all give it the feeling of despair.

4) The spiritual characteristics of this card are difficult for me. I think the self-exploration and quiet withdrawal that depression often leads to can be very spiritual. Of course, there are darker sides to depression, but I don't think this card reflects that.

5) I find the figure on this card makes me very uncomfortable. It's teeth, it's eyes, it's expression.

6) I find the shades of blue in the background, near the lower right corner, very appealing. Perhaps because they are healing colours?

7) I am unsure if the sadness in this creature is caused by itself or by an outside force. I think that knowing that might change the way I feel about the card.


Silverlotus ... take some time and work with the Soul Shrinker ... he was also my least favorite card if I recall, now he is actually one of my favorite cards. He is a gentle soul, spend some time with him, it is really worth it. His lesson to us is one in humility and growing as a person. Read through the existing threads here and you can read some of what we have learned from the Soul Shrinker.


Ok.. unfavorite time. I think after a debate between him and The Bodacious Bodach, it came down to 26 O! That Gnome

1. Emotional atmosphere: irritating and petty. The card's look gives me a sense of earthy pettiness, dirt and filth, even in little gnome's expression.

2. Physical Manifestations: I see this manifesting itself in my life as irritation in small matters in life not going well, bickering prattle, the ugly side of humanity.

3. Mental symbols: Lumps and bumps and hairy annoyances. Reminder of the pettiness of human kind and that we are sometimes very small and ugly, smirks on our faces, thinking we are all that.

4. Spiritual Characteristics: focus away from greater awareness and to one's own squatting little matters.

5. Most appealing: His little smirt and one open Popeye make him ridiculous and willing to find slightly endearing or forgiveable because how silly he looks with hands on cheeks and squatting there.

6. Uncomfortable or unappealing: His self-importance in that look of his. His nakedness which is dirty and base.

7. Any other impressions: He just seems to be an annoying little character, who gets more annoying in that he looks at you like he knows what you are thinking and considers you a kindred spirit, which you know is true, but which you would rather deny.

I looked him up and saw that he is a chaotic force for change, for breaking us out of our ruts. That is the annoyance I see in him, he won't let you be, and pushes you on despite your wanting to stay put. I can see how he is now, and I see that I am like him in not wanting to get out of a comfortable situation even though it is time to move on.



I found your observation on O Gnome intriguiing! What never ceases to amaze me about the Faerie deck is how much of a mirror they dare to hold up to us.

For myself, the one eyed squint of the Gnome told a different tale, one you *might* find intriguing. When I first got the deck and was sorting through the Faes in different ways (ones I liked, didn't like, ones that looked more human), and eventually I got to a new category : ones with one eye open, one shut.

When I looked at all the ones together as a group, what stood out was the blind eye of the Sage. The Sage suggested one eye turned inward, to emphasize the importance of maintaining your inner health (the interior realm of the thoughts/feelings/emotions, including prayer and meditation).

The Gnome has the opposite eye closed. Does this mean anything? It might mean he has his focus on the wrong things. It may mean he needs a new perspective to achieve a greater purpose.

Just some ideas.... :D I'm always so glad to hear what others Faes are like, as it teaches me so much, so namaste and thanks for posting!!!!


G Hobayah

This is my least favorite...

The green eyes staring out jealously, the spurs on the wrist and elbows, the stance like he's ready to jump out and beat the snot out of you. He's the creature hiding behind that big tree that makes the scary noises.