Does tarot attract any (bad) spirits?


Tarot are just cards?

People keep saying that and I tend to listen to them because I'm still new in tarot. However saying that tarot are just cards is terribly wrong. It's like saying Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is just a canvas. But look at the spur that it causes! Millions come to see it, think about it and it's a part of human's history. For tarot, that are just cards, a huge aeclectic forum was created. People think it's evil, some parents don't allow their children get it or some say it has changed their lives or even healed! Saying that tarot are just cards is like saying that book is just paper. Somehow we prefer one book over another and one author over the other. Tarot might be just cards, if we talk about what it consists of but everybody knows that by tarot we don't mean "cards". It's the pictures, the symbolism, the numbers, the Christianity related cards such as Pope, Devil, Judgement and Death. Know these are not words that we can take lightly. They are powerful words. The Death being number 13 is not some kind of coincidence. I am not sure what is the real purpose of tarot and on which level does it help in our spiritual development. I've been messing around with tarot for 1.5 years and I don't know why I'm doing it, how I started, where is it leading and what does it all really mean because each book I read messes everything up even more. The only positive thing about tarot and divination I found is that it helps to focus, to be more attentive to the inner voice, to calm down (shuffling especially helps to calm oneself down, I almost notice how hot the hands become after shuffling cards). So at this point I have no clue what is tarot but it's definitely not just cards.


I've been messing around with tarot for 1.5 years and I don't know why I'm doing it, how I started, where is it leading and what does it all really mean because each book I read messes everything up even more.
It doesn't really mean anything at all. For some of us, it means a lot. For others, it doesn't. And yes, it is just cards. If you placed a Tarot deck in a hospital, the people around it wouldn't suddenly have miraculous healings, nor would they suddenly take a turn for the worse and die.

Books are written by people exactly like me and you - there is nothing to say that just because something's found in a book it's automatically better or more accurate than something said on a forum. If Tarot books mess you up, don't read them. They're meant to help - if they're not helping, stop reading them.

The only positive thing about tarot and divination I found is that it helps to focus, to be more attentive to the inner voice, to calm down

<softly and sadly> If that's the only positive thing you can find in them, perhaps you need to find some other way to learn to focus, pay attention to the inner voice, and calm down.

Most meditation classes in any style are good for that.