78 Weeks: Knight of Batons


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Knight of Wands

I used the Golden Tarot of Kat Black. This knight is casually riding his horse. He appears to be empbarking on an adventure. A fire is burning behind him. He seems to be directed toward his goal. He appears to be prepared for any situration.--Tao

Major Tom

I've spent a bit of time now in the company of the Chevalier de Bastons - with 6 different versions of him and only one of those on-line.

My overwhelming impression is that he and his horse have turned to look at the person to whom he passess the baton. Here is someone who has just ridden in with something to get excited about, or even passionate about.

It took me quite a while to figure out what he should be wearing, until I saw quite clearly that he's a bit of a cowboy. :laugh:


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Knight of Wands

Universal Waite

The first thing I noticed about the Knight of Wands card was the background - I can see the same three mountains that appear in the Page of Wands. So it appears that the Knight has progressed from the creative inspiration or idea in the Page to charging ahead towards his goal.

The Knight, wearing a tunic decorated with salamanders - representing fire and passion, rides the rearing horse (a symbol for power and energy), holding his wand in his right hand (side of action). Also the plumes from the Knight's helmut are drawn like tongues of flame reinforcing the fire element in this card.

I did notice however that the Knight card in the UW has a look or concentration and determination in his quest. Or it could be in controlling his steed, as he his holding the reins at a short length - so he is not giving the horse its head, and the horse's head is arched. He is also riding straight legged with his heels down instead of bent knee ready to move and gallop with the horses movements - which considering he is wearing armour could possibly be the way that you need to ride ;).

To me this Knight symbolises confidence and daring, ready to go for the challenge at hand without thinking about the consequences which sometime can be a good thing - you may have to take risks to achieve your goals. But on the otherhand not being concerned as to the results of rash actions can be sometimes dangerous, but our Knight is not thinking of this and is focusing on what he wants to do - you have to admire his self-assurance and drive but also be aware of his reckless nature.



Radiant Rider-Waite

Knight of Wands


He is shown as if upon a journey, armed with a short wand, and although mailed is not on a warlike errand. He is passing mounds of pyramids.
Divinatory Meaning
Departure, absent, flight, emigration. A dark young man, friendly. Change of residence.

My Impression
Someone who would go ahead and do things without thinking too much. Someone who is not liley to think of the what ifs, or who can see the potential pitfalls or doesn't overly concern themselves with the details of the fine print, in a manner of speaking. Sometimes this can be a good thing, as they won't let negative thoughts, such as doubts, fears or worries to get in the way. But, on the other hand, can be a negative thing, in the respect that they may run into trouble, do or say things that may hurt someone else.

The fact that he is wearing armour may indicate that they may be someone who appears to be someone that they are not, or in another way of saying things, may wear a mask. The way the horse appears in the card may indicate in some sense that of being cornered, and will do just about anythign to defend himself, or get out of the corner. This could manifest itself as angry outbursts as such, but the outbursts itself may be the result of fear. This can manifest itself in a way that it could indicate someone who is not willing to talk about their past or their problems, and will find other ways to detract from that focus by doing or saying something that could be controversial or shocking. In a way, this can translate from the fact that someone could be running away from themselves, the past or problems. It may not solve the problem, or whatever else, but their objective is to do anything that would mean that they don't have to face or deal with these.

It indicates perhaps someone who is willing to go against the grain, in a manner of speaking. Someone who will not do what is expected of them. Can be a bit controversial, outgoing, impulsive, spontaneous, adventurous, reckless and perhaps a bit of a show off. What you see maybe not what you get.

At the same time it indicates someone who has "spirit" and is willing to do something what they really want to do. They have the energy, enthusiasm, optimism, eagerness and action to make it happen. It could also be seen that they set the pace, they are a trailblazer or a pioneer in what they want to do.


Golden Tarot of Klimt


Trips, new business and job offers.

My Impressions
This would indicate that by the fact that the border and some of the patterns looks like flowering plants that have buds, that it could be a time when after planting a seed for something that there has been in a sense that you are starting to see the rewards for your efforts. It is not something that has happened out of pure chance, what has started is through your own efforts. The man in the card looks very determined in what he wanted to achieve and shows the strength to do so. The impression of his facial expression along with the patterns on his cloak indicates that whatever this is has not been as easy as it may appear to others. It may have meant doing things which may have caused arguments, fights and whatever else. These things on the cloak seemed to be on the inside, which may indicate that these things that are going on with him may not be apparent to the outside world, such as his friends, family, loved ones, perhaps even acquaintances and work colleagues.

The cloak is red, which indicates passion, action and even anger. So, by looking at this card then the overall thing indicated are strength, new beginnings, rewards for your efforts, action, enthusiasm, optimism, zest for life, impulsiveness, recklessness, adventurous and perhaps even anger. Another thing to note in this card is that the garment has triangles with an eye in the middle. May indicate foresight, wisdome and spirit. In that case it may suggest that what this thing may be associated with an idea to do with something that has been worked on. In which case, not only will it benefit the person, but others may benefit from what this person has to offer.

For some reason, I kind of feel that The Sun, has been added to this card, or the symbolism. The horse has like a halter, or something, where in the middle of the crest there is a circle and a face there, in gold. So, if it indicates the sun, then that could indicate that there will be success if the time, attentin, care and efforts are continued on with this. On the other hand it may indicate along the lines of being a bit childish, and seeing things in a child-like manner, including being naive/gullible.


Knight of Wands - Revelations Tarot

First impressions
St George meets Tarot !!!!!

From the book

He embodies refined energy. He rides his dragon with confidence and daring.
This card embodies a charming, extroverted, and knowledgeable young person. He or she will burn with a fiery confidence and can be alluring, enjoyable, and attractive on many different levels. This person's drive fuels his or her ambitious plans for success in the future. Projects seem to spring to life around this person.
In situations or relationships, this is a time of expanding horizons and activity. You may have visitors, friends to entertain, or receive phone calls, letters, and e-mails. Socially, there will be parties to be a part of and festivities to partake in.

He is not sure of his direction. He cannot be trusted to save his own life much less others.
This card in reverse represents a lack of the Knight of Wands's qualities. Your drive may be waning, and your boredom overtakes you as you search for the next best thing. You may also come across others who are charmers and sweet-talkers or cunning fast-talkers. Worst of all, you may not be able to resist their charms or attractive promises.
In situations, this card warns of taking up consuming projects that may fall through. Observe the instigators carefully and question their motives. When out in the public arena, be wary of overindulgent people and situations, such as drunken debauchery and narcissistic parties.

Images and Symbolism
The knight is sure of himself. His confidence is contagious; his charisma smolders underneath his armor.
He rides the dragon as if it were an extension of him. The dragon symbolizes the raw powers of creation and of wisdom. The control the knight has over the dragon is a metaphor for his command of the direction of his life and for his firm leadership. Those around him are in awe of him.
On the reverse, the dragon turns away from the knight. The knight has lost control over his ride and holds on to uncertainty. This is a metaphor for a loss of control over projects, life, and the self.
Color: red and gold, colors of the coat of arms and royalty.

Traditional meanings

A brilliant knight; alert, quick, intuitive. He can be unpredictable, but his unexpected moves are always the right ones, wit hindsight. He is charming and popular.

Conflict for its own sake, promotion of disorder, destructiveness, deliberate starting of arguments and a love of discontent – even promoting it to enjoy watching the results.

My impressions:
A powerful, handsome knight, holding a wand, rides a dragon (OK I first saw him as slaying one!) Behind him his castle, in brilliant red. He is in perfect control of the situation, but is watchful and ready for anything.

In effect, he rides a dragon which is looking away from him. He himself is looking backwards, not seeing what is ahead. His castle almost looks closed against him. He doesn’t even look secure on the dragon; he could fall. He seems unaware of this. He almost seems obsessed with staring at his wand.

My take
The wands do not look like weapons here. Many in this deck do. This card is less about fighting for things than for having power over them – perhaps the wand of a magician rather than a lance or a club. The upright image and his dragon are working as one, riding into the world with confidence – very much in contrast with the reverse image. Increasingly I begin to see the court cards in this deck as more starkly contrasted, upright/reversed than most others. The upright knight is heading confidently into the future with all the attributes he needs to succeed, and the charm to use them. The reversed image – he looks almost sly. He is not about to get co-operation from anyone. He may not even bother to seek it.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


Knight of Wands - week beginning 4th April 2011

Knight of Wands - Hoi Polloi Tarot

A knight in full armour rides a very spirited looking horse. The knight wears a green tunic with a salamander design over his armour and on his head he has a fiery plume. He looks relaxed despite the fact that his horse looks as if it's either rearing or is about to jump or bolt. He holds the reins with one hand and in his other hand he holds a leafy wand.

Everyone has heard tales of knights who serve their queen, fight for their king and rescue damsels in distress.
Knights go on quests; they are daring, brave and chivalrous.
The knights in tarot also represent quests; they are seekers. As well as representing quests or searches for something they represent change and can also represent travel.
The horses in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot which this deck is a redrawing of give a clue as to the speed of the change... The Knight of Wand's horse is lunging forward so the change is a fast one that'll probably be quite short lived or over with quickly.

Elementally I think of the knights as Fire. So this guy is Fire of Fire since he's a Wand court. In other words he's all action.
Like all of the Wand court cards this guy has a temper; he's fiery.
Knights are more mature than pages but they still haven't really managed to gain an understanding or mastery of their element; they're like teenagers.

This guy is the popular kid at school. He has lots of friends and gets enthusiastic and passionate about new people and things easily. Since his element is fire though he starts off filled with enthusiasm and energy but burns himself out quickly. This is a guy who gets bored quickly and moves onto the next thing (whether that's a thing or a person) quickly.
He's passionate and sexual and can even be a bit of a player. If you want commitment then the Knight of Wands is not the guy to go to but if you want an exciting night of passion and fun then he's your man.

The salamanders on his tunic are more curved than the ones the page wears showing that he's more mature and has more life experience than the page. It's only when we reach the King of Wands though that we see the salamanders forming a complete circle.


Card name: Knight of Wands

First impressions

An armoured man holding a flaming torch sits on a rearing house, in front of huge red flames which seem to form a pyramid down from his head. Behind that, yellow rays.
From the Book of Thoth

The Knights represent the powers of the letter Yod in the Name. They are the most sublime, original, active part of the Energy of the Element; for this reason they are represented on horseback and clad in complete armour. Their action is swift and violent, but transient. In the Element of Fire, for instance, the Knight corresponds to the Lightning flash; in the Element of Water, to Rain and Springs; in that of Air, to Wind; in that of Earth, to Mountains. It is very important as a mental exercise to work out for oneself these correspondences between the Symbol and the Natural Forces which they represent; and it is essential to practical Magical work to have assimilated this knowledge.


The Knight of Wands represents the fiery part of Fire; he rules from the 21st degree of Scorpio to the 20th degree of Sagittarius. He is a warrior in complete armour. On his helmet for a crest he wears a black horse. In his hand he bears a flaming torch; a flame also in his mantle; and upon the flames does he ride. His steed is a black horse leaping.
The moral qualities appropriate to this figure are activity, generosity, fierceness, impetuosity, pride, impulsiveness, swiftness in unpredictable actions. If wrongly energized, he is evil-minded, cruel, bigoted and brutal. He is in either case ill-fitted to carry on his action; he has no means of modifying it according to circumstances. If he fails in his first effort, he has no resource.

In the Yi King, the fiery part of Fire is represented by the 51st hexagram, Kan. The signification there given is entirely in accordance with the doctrine of the Tarot, but great emphasis is laid on the startling, perilous, and revolutionary character of the events cognate. The Querent is advised to be apprehensive, yet cool, resolute and energetic: to beware of untimely action, but to go forward with tense confidence in his own ability.

All these correspondences of the Yi King are to be studied in that book (S.B.E. vol. XVI) and reference is here made to the text when important passages are too long to be conveniently quoted.
Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Knight of Fire [Wands] = fiery part of Fire.
This card represents a warrior in complete armour on a black horse (the essay then comments: Note - No description of 33.)
This is the purely male creative force in fire or spirit.
He even has a black horse as his crest, which Snuffin points out is attributed to Mars, ruler of Scorpio.
Snuffin also points out that the flaming wand is shown rising from his groin phallus-like – indicating a very sexual side to the card; he says that the yellow and white rays at the back are also strongly suggestive of sexual pleasure. Fire of Fire can be seen as Yod of Yod – active sperm, the Yod subdivision of the Yod of YHVH he represents (According to DuQuette.)
He is “a force swift and violent in action, but whose effect soon passes away.” – very sexual indeed ! The flying hair and flames and the rearing horse are also violent but unsustainable.
Banzhaf sees the rearing horse as having a unicorn’s horn on its forehead – I can’t agree; I see only a flying mane ! but he sees this as indicative of tamed instincts. I see nothing tamed about this card ! He also says that the horse therefore symbolises instinct, while the unicorn can only be captured when it flies to the lap of a virgin. I have no idea how this is supposed to fit, so am glad I can’t see the horn !
Banzhaf also sees the flame-coloured red cloak the knight wears (which I mis-saw as flames !) as showing that he was born of himself, a karmic structure. Not dependent on destiny, but being his own destiny. He represents the created creator. He therefore relates this card to Zeus.

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman)
Represents the fiery part of fire. A man with the qualities of activity, generosity, impetuosity, pride and swiftness. Ill dignified: Evil-minded, cruel, bigoted and brutal man.
He is active, generous, fierce, sudden, impetuous. If ill dignified, he is evil-minded, cruel, bigoted, brutal.
Traditional meanings – From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
King of Wands
As Motivation: The planning of a great trip, the idea for some grand new career, being motivated to go into politics or take charge. Depending where it is in the spread, it can indicate that the querent has decided to take command, to overthrow the old with his new, bold ideas.
As an Adult Man: Call him "The Preacher." He fills a room when he walks in, expansive, full of energy, charisma, fun. You know this man; he's the motivational speaker, the charismatic church leader, the great innovator who can turn a company around, with employees working overtime to please him. He is the warm politician, the idea man, the bullying coach who transforms losers into winners. He loves danger, adventure, challenges.
This is Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Henry V. He always has to lead the charge and he hasn't friends so much as worshippers; people either love him or hate him, and the same goes for his family. Not that he doesn't love his family; he fell in love with his wife at first sight and wooed her till she loved him back; and he's great with kids. No dad was ever so inventive or fun. But he fully expects his family to come with him, wherever he goes - be it on African Safari or to the President's mansion. They must support whatever he does. If they don't, his other side can come to the surface, one that is jealous, impatient, tyrannical. It is not surprising that sometimes his wife or children will rebel against him, or leave him altogether. At his best, however, he is as adored by his off-spring as he is by his people. His praise and approval is worth more to them than fame or fortunes, and they will go above and beyond the call of duty to please him.
My impressions (appearance of the card):
Well – now that I have taken back that pyramid of flames (it WAS my first impression !) it looks rather different ! It reminds me rather of the art work of Kay Nielsen. I can’t find the exact one I have in miond on line, but this combined with this might come close ! But talk about fiery; this is the fieriest of the lot - as it should be. That horse, though, I would have expected to look alarmed among all tha fire – so maybe there is a degree of taming in there after all.

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
Violence is at hand. It may be cleansing – but it may not. There also seems to be a degree of risk taking – I would counsel being careful yourself, and watching your back around others ! !