78 Weeks: Ten Swords


To find out what these threads refer to, please seeThe link above provides suggested dates and links to all threads for this study.

Some amongst us may be working through the deck in a different order, and using different decks.

For more general comments or questions about the 78 weeks, please post in the thread linked above.



Ten of Swords

This being the last minor pip in the 78 week study - my first thoughts were getting close to an end - even though I don't think of it as like having 10 swords in your back lol!

When I look at the Universal Waite 10 of Swords I do think of the poor guy on the ground has definitely seen the worst of it and it couldn't get much worse. But I also see the new beginning in the golden light in the sky on the horizon that represents to me that this is a dawn of a new day and to start afresh now that things have come to an end - albeit maybe a painful one if you think of those swords.

Looking at the image I also noticed the water beyond where the man is lying, and felt that this could perhaps represent a cleansing in some way - having to pass through the water to move onwards to the dawning sun and new start.

Now on to the final court cards, which I think I will do out of order as I would like to finish on the Queen of Swords



The worst that can happen, has...since tens signal endings and beginnings...

Like the phoenix, you are ready to rise from the ashes of the faux-death brought on perhaps by a battle of the mind, of the wits....time to stop the endless worry and rise again, begin again, start anew. to rejoin with your higher power, with the universe and within yourself.

Since the suit of swords to some may signify military...battle...perhaps the ending of a battle that has caused some physical as well as mental pain.
Swords, also symbols of air, though, are now ready to be pulled from our body, wiped clean, polished to a gleaming brightness, ready again to swoosh through the air to help us soar again to new heights of enlightenment.

Just some thoughts....



In some alternative healing circles, the spine is seen as representative of past lives and the karmic issues accrued - the lower spine representing the 'oldest' lives. I haven't thought this through ... just came to mind, and I'm not convinced of the theory ... just thought I'd throw it in and see what people come up with, given that it is 1.15am and my brain is definitely not working,


crazy raven


I'm still learning to communicate with such knowledgeable people here. I wanted to comment on the post of Mythos, regarding the human back, in regard to healing.

When a person has gotten 'down in his back', it means that he first got 'down in his thinking'.

The back in Alternative healing is taught 'where we hide what we refuse to believe'. This is where we store unconscious thoughts and emotions. This is where we hide issues we cannot handle.

Shoulder blades: lungs, heart, small intestine and bladder meridian. Lack of emotional support "nobody understands me". Fear and anger are stored between the shoulder blades AND muscles on either side of the spine. Problems here are difficulty admitting feelings, also depression.

Lower Ribs: Adrenal glands (the fighters of the body, without them we would die) And the kidneys which relate to our centering, our focus, our material level of existence and fears associated with it.

They say that when the chakras are opened and spinning they release body memories, the First Chakra for instance is your 'core identity. Issues associated with identity, survival, sexuality and creativity go back millions of years ago and are stored in our chakras and every cell of our bodies. Opened chakras draw energies that intermingle with their energy centers, triggering new versions, perceptions and meanings to events.

Who can walk away from something they've believed in for their whole live without a feeling of loss - it leaves holes in you, which now hungers to be filled.

The Ten of Swords to me is a 'state of reorganization, after the chaos. Perhaps reawakening our history and opening our eyes to our own personal history. In sullen silence we can now think things through. The blood perhaps the wounds of Christ who had denied himself. "It wasn't supposed to be that way - transform your lives."

"You can take away a man's gods.....but only to give him others in return".

Crazy Raven



mythos said:
In some alternative healing circles, the spine is seen as representative of past lives and the karmic issues accrued - the lower spine representing the 'oldest' lives. I haven't thought this through ... just came to mind, and I'm not convinced of the theory ... just thought I'd throw it in and see what people come up with, given that it is 1.15am and my brain is definitely not working, mythos

Um, I don't get it, mythos....I thought the 78 weeks thread still worked through the major arcana...last one I posted on was arcanum XII, Hanged Man (Zombi)...why this sudden leap into the minor arcana? ;-P


And also, what happened to my "dreaming the Tarot" thread? ;-p


A quick reply regarding the ordering and timing of the 78 weeks study (2nd one, by the way - Mythos's reply above was from the first 78 weeks study completed in mid-2005).

Some of us are more or less sticking to common dates (linked to in the opening post), and others may decide to go around cards either in another order, or at random.

It may also be that someone who had to give up during the first 78-week study is using the opportunity to join us, but pick up from whatever card they were up to.


Ten of Swords - Revelations Tarot

(I am with the 2005-2007 group and on time....)

First impressions
Pain and chaos.

From the artist’s website

He lies in a pool of blood from being stabbed ten times. He now knows of no defeat so extreme or as definite

He remains defiant even till his end, always looking upwards for hope.

Images and Symbolism
The idea of being taken down by swords represents the metaphor of being ruined by slander and by bad reputation - pain inflicted by words or ideas.
His pale green skin has lost its colour, as he has long accepted this fate. His faced covered to hide his shame.

The card does pose a positive side to it though - once you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
The reversed side shows a man pierced as well, but his fists are clenched and his head turned upwards-indicating defiance against the situation.
The warning there is takes the situation and to turn it on it's head and keep fighting back.
Color: reds are associated with spilled blood; greens and pale tones reflect drained life (the colors here were chosen for the dramatic tone of the card).

Traditional meanings

Desolation, ruin, disruption – often of a group rather than an individual - but the worst is over – matters can only improve.
The false dawn. Improvements will prove illusory.

My impressions:
(Actually I am finding it very hard to “see” the two aspects as separate.)
A goldenhaired figure in a green bandagey type bodysuit, I’d have to call it, with – well, like I said, hard to separate upright and reverse images…. – five swords stuck through its torso from the front and five more through its legs from the back…. His arms are stretched back behind him, and his fingers are flexed open – spread hands. His head droops forward – he looks to have given up. Even his feet are just dangling; he makes no attempt to stand. The hilts of the swords are very varied in design. The background is chaotic in shades of orange and tan

The image is almost identical in many ways, but the figure is dressed in tan colours – like the background colours, and his hands are clenched rather than open. His head is also aggressively placed; he looks as if he is clenching his teeth. He looks angry.

My take
Upright – fatally wounded, the guy has given up. There’s not a lot positive to take from this except (if you believe in such things !) resurrection. I suppose things cannot get any worse – but there is also the possibility that such a resigned attitude to disaster can only lead to stagnation and staying at the bottom of everything. The figure in the reverse image at least looks to be fighting back; he is equally badly hurt, but he is enraged by it; he is not about to let things lie. I’m not sure I agree with the book/website that improvements will prove illusory; I think that if approached with an overly warlike attitude that may be true, but if you are to fight back from rock bottom, maybe you have to be aggressive; if you’ve been unjustly skewered (it happens) you may need to fight back, and hard. Maybe that’s ultimately better than just resigning yourself and hoping for better karma to show up in the end. I really think the upright guy looks like a wimp who will be abused again and again because he just takes it lying down.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.



Card name: Ten of Swords

First impressions

Nine swords, with varying hilts – discussed below - are arranged in the pattern of the Tree of Life. A tenth is shattered at their centre. There is a heart radiating rays of light in the Tiphareth position. The background is orange with red geometric shapes – like the pinwheels but almost as if they have been scribbled over in red. Glyphs of the sun and Gemini.

From the Book of Thoth
These cards are attributed to Malkuth. Here is the end of all energy; it is away from the “formative world” altogether, where things are elastic. There is now no planetary attribution to consider. So far as the Sephira is concerned, it is right down in the world of Assiah. By the mere fact of having devised four elements, the current has derogated from the original perfection. The Tens are a warning; see whither it leads-to take the first wrong step!

The Ten of Swords is called Ruin. It teaches the lesson which statesmen should have learned, and have not; that if one goes on fighting long enough, all ends in destruction.

Yet this card is not entirely without hope. The Solar influence rules; ruin can never be complete, because disaster is a sthenic disease. As soon as things are bad enough, one begins to build up again. When all the Governments have smashed each other, there still remains the peasant. At the end of Candide’s misadventures, he could still cultivate his garden.


The number Ten, Malkuth, as always, represents the culmination of the unmitigated energy of the idea. It shows reason run mad, ramshackle riot of soulless mechanism; it represents the logic of lunatics and (for the most part) of philosophers. It is reason divorced from reality.

The card is also ruled by the Sun in Gemini, but the mercurial airy quality of the Sign serves to disperse his rays; this card shows the disruption and disorder of harmonious and stable energy.

The hilts of the Swords occupy the positions of the Sephiroth, but the points One to Five and Seven to Nine touch and shatter the central Sword (six) which represents the Sun, the Heart, the child of Chokmah and Binah. The tenth Sword is also in splinters. It is the ruin of the Intellect, and even of all mental and moral qualities.

In the Yi King, Sol in Gemini is the virtue of the 43rd Hexagram, Kwai, the Watery modification of the Phallus; also, by the interlacing interpretation, the harmony of these two same Trigrams.

The signification is perfectly harmonious with that of the Ten of Swords It represents the damping down of the Creative impulse, weakness, corruption, or mirage affecting that principle itself. But, viewing the Hexagram as a weapon or method of procedure, it counsels the ruler to purge the state of unworthy officers. Curiously, the invention of written characters to replace knotted strings is ascribed among Chinese scholars to the use of this hexagram by the sages. Gemini is ruled by Thoth; 10 is the key of the Naples Arrangement; and Apollo (Sol) is the patron of literature and the arts: so his suggestion might appear at least no less suitable to the Qabalistic correspondences than to their double emphasis on Water and the Sun.

Apart from this, however, the parallelism is complete.

Images and Symbolism

Frieda Harris says in her essays:

Ten of Swords= Ruin. Malkuth in the suit of Air. Sun in Gemini. The Swords are arranged on the Tree of Life, but the points one to five, and seven to nine, shatter the central Sword which represents the Sun, the Heart. The background is a flame with explosive destruction. This card shows reason run mad and a riot of soulless mechanism.
Ten of Swords = Ruin. Sun in Gemini.
Again the design is the Tree of Life on which the swords are arranged, the centre one is the heart or Sun which is broken in fragments. The mind has let go all control and whirls in tormented madness.
Snuffin points out that nine swords have destroyed the 10th in the position of Tiphareth. I see the heart as being in that position too. He says that the 5 upper ones are responsible for the shattering, and points out that the hilts in Chesed and Geburah bear Tau Crosses (Saturn); those in Choikmah and Binah have hourglasses (time, and also Saturn) – Kether has scales – Libra, which is exalted in Saturn. So the worst side of Saturn is in action here. Right through to death.
The four swords below support the remains of the sword of Tiphareth; the hilts in Hod and Netzaxch bear Saturnian symbols two – crosses, but of points rather than Tau crosses – restriction, Yesod has sun at its centre, and Malkuth an pentagram (man) and a Moon. The unconscious comesto the surface.
There are ten rays of light form Tiphareth; they indicate a physical manifestation of destruction. The background colours are those of Mars. Mars was once known as the Lesser Malefic and Saturn as the Greater; malignance and then some !
Banzhaf points out that the heart forms the hilt of the Tiphareth sword. This sword represents the centre, the connection between above and below, and so its shattering is indeed ruin.

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman)
Ruin. Reason divorced from reality. Death. Failure. Disaster yet not entirely without hope. Disruption. Idle chatter. Clever, eloquent and insolent person, impertinent yet with mirth. Spiritually, may herald the end of delusion.
Ten: Ruin, death, defeat, disruption
Almost a worse symbol than the Nine of Swords. Undisciplined, warring force, complete disruption and failure. Ruin of all plans and projects. Disdain, insolence and impertinence, yet mirth and jollity therewith. A marplot, loving to overthrow the happiness of others; a repeater of things; given to much unprofitable speech, and of many words. Yet clever, eloquent, etc., according to dignity.

Traditional meanings – From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
As the aces were the pure, elemental spark of the suit, the tens are the element of the suit complete, both physical and spiritual.
These cards are about what completes that turn of the wheel, getting it back to "1" and yet carrying with it all that it has experienced through those other numbers on its way round the circle.
Ten of Swords
A man dead with ten swords in his back. There are cards in the tarot that can scare querents and this is one of those. Readers should remind their sitters, however, that Swords refer to the mind and communication, not murder.
When, like the Wheel, thoughts come back around to the top carrying with them all past discussions, arguments, analysis and attempts to solve problems, they also come to an end. There is no more left to know about the subject or say about it. Dramatic and frightening as this image is, it essentially says that any path your mind could go down has been gone down; any discussion you could have on this topic has been discussed.
Of course, the image doesn't just portray a death, but a murder and a brutal one at that. Stabbed in the back. The words and thoughts of others can stab you in the back, murdering your theory, idea, reputation. Any of these may be the victim portrayed in this image, but there is a positive. The worst has been done. And new theories, ideas and even reputations can be found.
When the querent gets this card the advice is that it is time to end whatever has been on their mind, or whatever issue they've been arguing or discussing. They have gone as far as they can with these thoughts or argument. Even if they could argue more or differently, everyone is tried of listening to them. It is also likely that dwelling on this issue has left the querent's mind weary, dull, dead. It is time for a new topic that will enliven the mind rather than keeping it pinned to the ground.
(I include Thirteen’s meanings here, but the way, as while someone else was adding them to her Thoth posts, I found them enlightening in context, even though the descriptions are way different !)

My impressions (appearance of the card):
It is less chaotic than some of the small swords cards, and to my mind less unpleasant than the nine. Strangely the brokenness of the Tiphareth sword was not the first thing that I noticed about this card; I noticed more the heart and its rays of light. Also the scribbling over the pinwheels (aka Swastikas).

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
I’m not quite sure, actually, but probably all forces are united against what matters most to you – everything points viciously at that heart ! Protect yourself; the light suggests not all hope is lost; the heart still beats !