How do you feel when a reading of yours comes true?


Like I'm the Oracle of Delphi.


Well, it depends on the reading, especially when it's not a happy one.

The more I read, though, the more I realize something: The cards are ALWAYS right. So a lot of times I just realize in retrospect that I read them wrong, and learn from my mistakes.


I am always amazed, but not surprised. After all this time I am still hesitant and not always sure of myself. What if I am wrong? But they keep coming back. Someone mentioned about what kind of news, not so happy when I tell someone something they do not wish to hear, most of the time they thank me for it later.


I think it's kind of like riding a bicycle. When we're kids, we're given a bicycle---I have one and I push it around. You have one but you put training wheels on yours so you don't have to just push it. But then comes the day when I'm sitting on the seat of my bike resting, another kid pushes me to get me going and gets my bike going so fast I'm afraid to stop. (That really is how I learned to ride a bike. LOL)

With time, though, both of us are on our bikes whizzing around the neighborhood and now we have a skill that allows us a lifetime of happy biking.

Tarot is kind of like that. If we do it long enough then pretty soon we're going all sorts of fabulous places with it. We learn to achieve that fine balance of skill and coordination so that it becomes relatively effortless and if we hit a bump and crash, we get right back up and confidently go on again.

Nisaba said: "<grin> I remember I did a reading in a new age shop for some woman, and when she was at the counter paying, the woman taking her money politely asked how her experience of the reading had been. She came over to me to laugh about it afterwards: apparently, I was brilliant on the past and brilliant on the present, but useless with the future. <cackle>" and I know just what she means.

I used to wonder what use it was to read on past and present when those are things we already know. Then it occurred to me that it's kind of a measuring stick. If we get the past and present right, chances are pretty darned good that we got the future right, too, even though it hasn't happened yet. :) Our sitters may not appreciate it or like what we see, but in time, they'll probably come across that very situation developing as seen in the cards.


Last year, around this time exactly, I pulled some cards asking how a particular situation would go down. There was no way I could if anything would turn out the way I predicted, it was a complete shot in the dark. However, I did save the reading into a document and never thought of it again.

Today, as I was looking through old documents, I found it :D EVERYTHING I predicted down to the nitty gritty details came true. I did the reading in May 2014, and it happened in March 2015. 10 months later. Although I did meet the guy in July of 2014. I just find it funny, because I even described his physical appearance and personal situation to a T.

Have you ever had an experience like this? I'm still in my teens and not confident with my reading/intuition skills so I still get excited when things like this happen :D

I tend to feel warm inside, connected. It reminds me of the connection I have with life, the universe and everyone all around me. I feel it more strongly at those times, when I see a reading come true in detail. It makes me smile inside and feel that everything in life is just as it should be.



How do I feel when a reading of mine comes true?

Usually like this: :thumbsup: Or like this: :D

But sometimes like this: :bugeyed:

And every once in awhile like this: :mad:

It all depends on the reading.

Sorry, it is late where I am , and I'm getting a bit punchy...