Tarot and other methods - how do they go together?


I suppose we're not really supposed to discuss specific decks in here but...the Quest Tarot combines many different methods of divination with tarot. I, too, tend to ignore those things that aren't really tarot related in my mind, but on occasion I have bothered myself to look up things like the I Ching symbols or the runic symbols that are depicted on the cards in a spread. As far as the I Ching goes, it always seems more like advice than anything predictive and while it might be somewhat related to the spread or the question, I haven't found it particularly useful overall.


As far as the I Ching goes, it always seems more like advice than anything predictive and while it might be somewhat related to the spread or the question, I haven't found it particularly useful overall.

In my own spreads I like to use one card as advice.... I tend to see some readings even more as advice then as prediction. Maybe that's another reason why those systems work so well together for me.