amazing experience while meditating


Well, I just thought I'd drop on here and share with you guys this amazing experience that I had. I grabbed my deck of faries and put it on my desk thinking that I would allow myself to start playing with them so that I can finally start reading these amazing cards. I laid on my bed, closed my eyes and started meditating. I believe I was in this very deep trance, swimming in the middle of my thoughts while a big strong number 21 came to my mind. I saw three brown cards and I intuitively knew these were my faeries cards. I saw number 21 very strong in my mind and felt that this card had a very important message to me. I just kept meditating and eventually felt asleep.
Once I was re-energized I got up and opened my book to look up the meaning of card 21, which amazingly was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. This card reminded me that the most important aspect that I had to work on is my relationship with those around me. She told me that the best way to heal was letting myself open up to others and give as well as receive. Very general in terms of what i really felt for me. Then I picked another card thinking that maybe I could go on deeper and I got Tobaira of the waters, card number 37 which told me and reassured me that this is a very important stage of life, where I have to learn to release old negative emotions and blockages by learning to give and receive love by others. This is inevitable and the only thing I have left to do is let myself flow with her waters.
This was very inspiring and left me wondering what I have done to this faeies that they would come into my life this strongly. I don't have words to describe this feeling and I sure hope they keep communicating with me this way.

Blessings to all and if anyone is thinking of getting these cards you won't regret it. They are amazing.


A wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing it with us here earthdance!

Isn't it amazing when the Fae really Speak to you??? ;) Best of luck as you, Tobaira and the Others all learn while dancing in circles.


Maybe you should have pulled a third card, since you saw three cards?



Wow, that is an amazing experience, thank you so much for sharing it with us. I certainly do hope that they keep communicating with you powerfully.
